

Annals of Nuclear Medicine Vol.18 No.8 2004

Original Articles

Diagnostic I-131 scintigraphy in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer: no additional value of higher scan dose
Thi T.H. Phan, et al. 641
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Scatter and cross-talk correction for one-day acquisition of 123I-BMIPP and 99mTc-tetrofosmin myocardial SPECT
Tomohiro Kaneta, et al. 647
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Quantitative three-phase bone scintigraphy in the evaluation of intravenous regional blockade treatment in patients with stage-I reflex sympathetic dystrophy of upper extremity
Emel Ozturk, et al. 653
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Accuracy and reproducibility of co-registration techniques based on mutual information and normalized mutual information for MRI and SPECT brain images
Takashi Yokoi, et al. 659
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18F-FDG and 11C-methionine PET for evaluation of treatment response of lung cancer after stereotactic radiotherapy
Takayoshi Ishimori, et al. 669
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Pattern of 111In-chloride bone marrow scintigraphy in myelodysplastic syndrome; comparison with clinical characteristics
Takako Nakai, et al. 675
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Evaluation of dilated upper renal tracts by technetium-99m ethylenedicysteine F+0 diuresis renography in infants and children
Madhavi Tripathi, et al. 681
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Case Report

A large renal pelvic diverticulum, presenting incomplete excretion during Tc-99m MAG-3 scintigraphy and tracer accumulation on Tc-99m DMSA scintigraphy; a case report
Bulent Turgut, et al. 689
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Absence of pulmonary uptake of Tc-99m methylenediphosphonate in alveolar microlithiasis
Unal Sahin, et al. 695
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A case of small cell carcinoma of the esophagus detected incidentally by FDG-PET
Kenji Torii, et al. 699
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Diffuse splenic Tc-99m MDP uptake in hypersplenic patient
A. Fuat Yapar, et al. 703
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Technic Notes

Improved detection of axillary hot nodes in lymphoscintigraphy in breast cancer located in the upper lateral quadrant with additional projection imaging
Mitsuru Koizumi, et al. 707
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