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Nuclear Medicine Global Initiativeによる小児核医学検査及び投与量の実態調査アンケートご協力のお願い

2012年夏より核医学に関し相互の課題を世界規模で協調して取り組むために、各学会・機構が参加し、協議を開始しています。この取組みをThe Nuclear Medicine Global Initiativeと称し、ヨーロッパ核医学(EANM)、ラテンアメリカ核医学会(ALASBINM)、世界核医学会(WFNMB)、アジアオセアニア核医学会(AOFNMB)、IAEA、北米核医学会(SNMMI)、さらに南アフリカ、中国、カナダ、インド、韓国、オーストラリア/ニュージーランド、日本の各核医学会から構成されています。最初の企画は小児適性投与量の協調となり、各代表により会議を重ねております。その一環として、今回世界規模で小児核医学検査及び投与量の実態調査を実施することになりました。アンケートはonlineで施行いたします。小児核医学検査の実施のない医療機関もしくは検査数の少ない医療機関のご協力もお願い申し上げます。また1医療施設1回答でお願い申し上げます。

代表であるSNMMIの前大会長であるDr. Frederic H. Faheyの挨拶文とアンケート内容及び簡単な日本語訳を添付させて頂きました。英語版アンケート内容の最後に、アン


日本核医学会NMGI小児投与量担当 東京慈恵会医科大学 内山眞幸 拝


Dear colleague,

We need your help with this historical first project of the Nuclear Medicine Global Initiative.   Before we go into more detail of the data we need from you, let me first describe the Nuclear Medicine Global Initiative and how it is organized.

In the summer of 2012, a number of organizations involved in nuclear medicine from around the world decided to collaborate on a project of mutual interest.  This endeavor was deemed the Nuclear Medicine Global Initiative and consisted of the following organizations: European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM), Association of Latin American Societies of Biology and Nuclear Medicine (ALASBIMN), World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology (WFNMB), Asia Oceanic Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology (AOFNMB), International Atomic Energy Agency, Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) as well as the societies of nuclear medicine of South Africa, China, Canada, India, Korea, Australia/New Zealand and Japan.  In discussions at the 2012 EANM meeting in Milan, it was decided that the topic for the first Nuclear Medicine Global Initiative would be the harmonization of administered activities for nuclear medicine procedures in children and adolescents.  We hope this will be the first of a series of projects that will be addressed by the Nuclear Medicine Global Initiative.

In this project, we are looking at the resources and guidelines for determining the appropriate administered activities in children as well as the challenges in developing such guidelines.  In our early discussions, we decided that it would be very helpful to understand which rules or guidelines were being followed by various nuclear medicine clinics around the world, and so we have developed this survey.  We are also gathering data on the most common procedures performed in children, the administered activities for those procedures in children of different sizes as well as the practice of PET/CT in children.

In order to understand the practice of pediatric nuclear medicine, is essential that as many hospitals and clinics complete the survey as possible.  Even if your institution performs very few or no nuclear medicine procedures in children, please fill out the pertinent sections of the survey.  The more data we acquire, the better we will understand these very important issues.  Below is the link to the survey.

The survey will be open for 3 weeks, until August 11, 2014.  I have also attached a document with instructions and a checklist that will assist you in preparing for the survey.  If you have the data in hand and are well prepared, the survey should only take you about 10-15 minutes to complete.
If you have any questions regarding the survey or the Nuclear Medicine Global Initiative, please contact me at or Rachel Woodson at the SNMMI ( ).

Thanks you again for your help with this very important project,

Frederic H. Fahey
Chair, Nuclear Medicine Global Initiative
SNMMI Past President