Annals of Nuclear Medicine Vol.19 No.8 2005
Original Articles
Depiction of residual emboli following pulmonary embolism with thrombotic scintigraphy
Keiko Takahashi, et al. 641
The relationship between coronary artery calcification detected by non-gated multi-detector CT in patients with suspected ischemic heart disease and myocardial ischemia detected by thallium exercise stress testing
Chikako Nishida, et al. 647
Distinct different intra-tumor distribution of FDG between early phase and late phase in mouse fibrosarcoma
Osamu Inoue, et al. 655
PET evaluation of fatty tumors in the extremity: Possibility of using the standardized uptake value (SUV) to differentiate benign tumors from liposarcoma
Ryoko Suzuki, et al. 661
Sentinel lymphoscintigraphy in patients with breast cancer undergoing excisional biopsy
Eiji Ohtake, et al. 671
Correlation of amino-acid uptake using methionine PET and histological classifications in various gliomas
Kenji Torii, et al. 677
Evaluation of tumor FDG transport and metabolism in primary central nervous system lymphoma using [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) kinetic analysis
Nobuyuki Kawai, et al. 685
The impact of FDG-PET in the management of patients with salivary gland malignancy
Hideki Otsuka, et al. 691
The relationship between bone mineral density and immobilization duration in hemiplegic limbs
Derya Demirbag, et al. 695
Evaluation of [11C]SA5845 and [11C]SA4503 for imaging of sigma receptors in tumors by animal PET
Kazunori Kawamura, et al. 701
Comparison of myocardial blood flow induced by adenosine triphosphate and dipyridamole in patients with coronary artery disease
Marcelo Mamede, et al. 711
Case Report
Oblique view of preoperative lymphoscintigraphy improves detection of sentinel lymph nodes in esophageal cancer
Chikako Tanaka, et al. 719
Usefulness of FDG-PET imaging for the radiotherapy treatment planning of pyothorax-associated lymphoma
Hirofumi Asakura, et al. 725
Extraskeletal osteosarcoma: Extensive tumor thrombus on fused PET-CT images
Ukihide Tateishi, et al. 729
Tc-99m(V)-DMSA in wound infection after closure of an ileostomy
Ming-Zhe Chang, et al. 733
Short Communication
The incidence of recurrence and hypothyroidism after radioiodine treatment in patients with hyperthyroidism in Trakya, a mild iodine deficiency area, during the period 1991-2003
Funda Ustun, et al. 737