Japanese |
Title | Kr-81m心プールシンチによる右心房, 右心室機能の核医学的評価 - 右房と右室の同時圧圧容積曲線 - |
Subtitle | 《研究速報》 |
Authors | 石黒源之*, 渡辺佐知郎*, 安江隆夫*, 杉下総吉*, 大橋宏重*, 後藤明**, 細田瑳一*** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *県立岐阜病院循環器科, **放射線科, ***自治医科大学循環器内科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 23 |
Number | 10 |
Page | 1459-1463 |
Year/Month | 1986/10 |
Article | 報告 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「I. 緒言」形態上複雑な右心系の諸容積測定には, 幾何学的要素に依存することがないRI法が適している. しかし, 各方向より正確に右心系を評価するには左心系を通過する従来の99mTcによる方法では左心系の影響を無視できない. そこで半減期13秒で希ガスの性質を有し, 右心系のみ撮影可能なKr-81mの利用が有効となる. RI法による容積と同時に右心系圧を測定することにより, 心血行動態の分析ができ, 精度の高い右心系機能評価が可能となる. われわれはKr-81m gated blood pool scanを利用し心疾患患者における右室駆出率, 右室壁運動等の臨床的有用性の検討を行ってきた. 今回, 右室圧容積曲線, 右房圧容積曲線を同時圧で実際に描出せしめ, その臨床における有用性を検討したので報告する.「II. 対象および方法」[1) 容量測定と圧測定の方法] Kr-81mは81Rb-81mKr generatorを非電解質溶液で溶出した. Cut off levelは, 実験的に最適であった25%とした. 注入スピードは10ml/minとし, Harvard Pumpで外頸静脈より持続注入し, EQ相にSiemens社製ZLC 7500にて, 中エネルギー平行コリメータを患者に対し変法右前斜位30°(以下modified RAO 30°と略す) におき, 右房, 右室の心プールイメージの採取を行った. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Kr-81m, Right atrial pressure-volume loop, Right ventricular pressure-volume loop. |
English |
Title | Assessment of Right Atrial (RA) and Ventricular (RV) Function by Kr-81m Gated Blood Pool Scan - RA and RV Pressure-Volume Loops with Simultaneous Pressure Data - |
Subtitle | |
Authors | Motoyuki ISHIGURO*, Sachirou WATANABE*, Takao YASUE*, Nobuyoshi SUGISHITA*, Hiroshige OHASHI*, Akira GOTO**, Saichi HOSODA*** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Division of Cardiology, Prefectural Gifu Hospital, **Division of Radiology, Prefectural Gifu Hospital, ***Division of Cardiology, Jichi Medical School |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 23 |
Number | 10 |
Page | 1459-1463 |
Year/Month | 1986/10 |
Article | Report |
Abstract | [Summary] : We evaluated right atrial and right ventricular function using Kr-81m with simultaneous pressure data through a bedside catheter (a 3 lumens Pace-port Catheter) . Kr-81m is ideally potential for right heart study because (1) short half life, (2) exhalation from lung, (3) no activity from the left heart. Computerized method for LIST mode data aquisition were developed to collect the data from gamma camera, ECG wave and RA, RV pressure simultaneously. RA and RV volume curve were obtained calibrating time-activity curve with end diastolic volume calculated from the relation of ejection fraction and cardiac output measured by thermodilution method. From RA and RV pressure and volume curves RA and RV pressure-volume loops were created simultaneously, displayed on the same plane. One RV beat was separated into 4 phases, ventricular emptying phase, early ventricular filling phase, equilibrium, late ventricular filling phase. One RA beat was separated into 4 phases, atrial filling phase, early atrial emptying phase, equilibrium, late atrial emptying phase. RA and RVP-V loops were shifted after NG sublingual administration. This new method is potentially useful in the study of right heart hemodynamics. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Kr-81m, Right atrial pressure-volume loop, Right ventricular pressure-volume loop. |