Japanese |
Title | 2台カメラ同時記録解析法による左心室の3次元イメージ表示法に関する研究 |
Subtitle | 研究速報 |
Authors | 浅原朗*, 上田英雄**, 若林重興***, 木下勝弘***, 喜利元貞*** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *中央鉄道病院放射線科, **中央鉄道病院, ***島津製作所 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 16 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 217-220 |
Year/Month | 1979/4 |
Article | 報告 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「諸言」2台のシンチカメラで異なる2方向から同時にデータを採取し. これをComputerで解析するいわゆる2台カメラ同時記録解析法についてその基礎的研究から臨床応用迄すでに報告してきた. 今回, 本法の応用として心血液プールの立体表示の検討を行ない, 3次元シンチグラムの可能性を確認し得たので報告する. 「方法」「1) 測定器およびその構成」今回使用したシンチカメラは, Searle社製Pho/Gamma HPおよびLFOVの2台である. これに2台カメラデータ採取用インターフェイスを加え, 島津製作所製核医学データ処理装置Scintipac 200でデータ処理を行なった. Fig.1に本機構のシステムブロック図を示す. 「2) データ採取および処理法」四肢に心電図端子を装填し仰臥位に位置した患者の心臓部位を, 2台のシンチカメラで右斜位30度および左斜位60度から指向し, 右肘静肘から99mTc標識人血清アルブミン (99mTc HSA) 20mCiを急速静注し, 生理食塩水20mlでflushした. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Synchronous Dual-camera Recording and Analysis, Three Dimensional Image, Gated Image, Computerized Analysis, Blood Pool Image of Left Ventricle |
English |
Title | A Study of Three-dimensional Image Expression of the Left Ventricle by Synchronous Dual Camera Recording and Analysis |
Subtitle | Rapit Communication |
Authors | Akira ASAHARA*, Hideo UEDA**, Shigeoki WAKABAYASHI***, Katsuhiro KINOSHITA***, Motosada KIRI*** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Department of Radiology, Central Hospital of J.N.R., **Central Hospital of J.N.R., ***Medical System Div., Shimadzu Seisakusho Ltd. |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 16 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 217-220 |
Year/Month | 1979/4 |
Article | Report |
Abstract | [Summary] In previous papers are described the basic and clinical studies of a method for collecting data synchronously from 2 different directions with dual scinticameras and for computerized analysis there-of. This paper describes results of a study in which 3-dimensional scientigraphy was proved to be possible by means of examining the steric expression of the cardiac blood pool as an application of this method. Data on the cardiac blood pool were synchronously collected with dual scinticameras at 30° form the right anterior oblique direction and 60° from left anterior oblique direction ; and from each gated image was constructed a 3-dimensional image as an ellipsoid of 3 revolutions of the ventricle. In other words, the major axis of the ventricle was divided into n equal parts from each image to make the sliced plane. Four points on the XY were determined from the distance between the major axis and the margin ; the quartan elliptical arc passing through these points was calculated ; and one slice was made up by connecting the arcs. A 3-dimensional image is made up by overlapping n slices, when the gradient of the XYZ direction was modified from the difference between the gradient of 2 images and the length of the major axis. The 3-dimensional image so made up well indicated the morphology of the blood pool and the gradient of the axis in the thoracic cavity, which quite unlike the conventional 2-dimentional images expressed organs sterically. This is a new image expressing method, of which much may be expected. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Synchronous Dual-camera Recording and Analysis, Three Dimensional Image, Gated Image, Computerized Analysis, Blood Pool Image of Left Ventricle |