Japanese |
Title | Radioimmunoassay法による血中T3値の測定 |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 八谷孝*, 越智幸男*, 宮崎忠芳*, 塩見勝彦*, 吉村学*, 岡本邦雄** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *京都府立医科大学 第二内科, **中央検査部 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 10 |
Number | 5 |
Page | 457-465 |
Year/Month | 1973/10 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「はじめに」Thyroxine(T4)のみならずTriiodothyronine(T3)も甲状腺の病態生理に重要な役割を演じていることが最近次第に明らかになつてきている. 血中T3の測定法としては, まずSterlingによつて開発されたcompetitive binding法があるが, 本法はその方法の繁雑なことやT4のT3への混入等の難点があるため, 一般臨床検査として使用できなかつた. 最近各種ホルモンの測定法としてradioimmunoassay(RIA)が開発され, 微量の血中ホルモンの測定が可能となつた. このRIA法を用いて1970年Brownが血中T3測定の可能性を発表以来, Gharib, Mitsuma, Lieblich, Larsen, 等が相次いでT3のRIAを報告している. 本邦でも, 八谷, 桜田がT3特異抗体を作製し, T3 RIAの基礎的検討をしている. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | |
English |
Title | The determination of serum T3 (triiodothyronine) by radioimmunoassay method |
Subtitle | Original |
Authors | Takashi HACHIYA, Yukio OCHI, Manabu YOSHIMURA, Katsuhiko SHIOMI, Tadayoshi MIYAZAKI, Kunio OKAMOTO |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 10 |
Number | 5 |
Page | 457-465 |
Year/Month | 1973/10 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary] For the determination of serum T3 level, radioimmunoassay using the double antiboby method has been developed. A specific antibody to T3 was made in rabbit immunization with T3 conjugated to bovine serum albumin with carbodiimide. The antibody had a cross reactivity of <0.001, <0.001 and 0.17% with L-monoiodotyrosine, L-diiodotyrosine, or L-thyroxine respectively. The incubation was performed with test serum (0.1 ml, 8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulfonic acid (300γ), 125I-T3 (16 pg) and rabbit antiserum specific to T3 in pH 7.8, 0.15 M phosphate buffer for 2 days and then the second antibody was added. By this method T3 could be detected from 16 to 900 pg. Normal range in euthyroid subjects was 108+-39 ng/dl. In hypothyroid was usually 70 ng/dl and in some cases was undetectable range. In hyperthyroid was over 200 up to 900 ng/dl. In euthyroid subjects T4/T3 ratio was about 121.4+-59.8 and in hyperthyroid was 66.8+-26.3. However it was not calculated in hypothyroid, because T3 was undetectable in many cases. When the hyperthyroidism patients became gradually euthyroid state by the treatment with radioisotope-131I, increased T3 resin sponge uptake, serum T4 and serum T3 became normal range gradually respectively. Also T4/T3 ratio became to normal range. However, when hyperthyroid symptom did not subsided, T3 and T4/T3 ratio showed still low value. The similar results was obtained when the hyperthyroid patient was treated by anti-thyroid drug. Therefore, the determination of T3 and T4/-T3 ratio are valuable to speculated the prognose of hyperthyroid patient by various treatments. Serum T3 values were determined by Dainabot Kit using dextran-coated charcoal for the separation of free and bound, and compared with the value by our double antibody method. The determinationed values by these two methods showed good correlation (r=0.86). |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | |