Title妊娠時および産後における甲状腺ホルモンの変動に関する研究 第一編 妊娠時および産後における131I-Triiodothyronine Resin Sponge Uptakeの変動について
Organization昭和大学 第3内科学教室, 主任 : 新谷博教授, 指導 : 飯野史郎助教授
Abstract「I. 緒言」妊娠時における131I-Triiodothyronine Resin Sponge Uptake(以下RSU)値の変動についてはすでに幾多の報告があるが, 妊娠初期および産後における同値の変動に関する詳細な研究は少ない. そこで, 特に, この点についてRSUの面から検討すると共に, 切迫流産例および分娩後のRSUの回復とともに, 授乳との関係, さらに臍帯血についても考察し, また甲状腺機能亢進症を合併する例におけるRSU値についてふれ, 正常妊娠との鑑別についても考察したので報告する. 「II. 対象および方法」対象は昭和大学病院産婦人科および第3内科を受診した86例の妊娠婦人と17例の正常産褥婦人である. 妊娠時のRSU値の変動は86例中73例の正常妊娠婦人につき102回の検査を行ない, 妊娠第16週までは週別に, 以後月別に平均値を算出して検討を加えた.
TitleA Study on the Change in the 131I-Triiodothyronine Resin Sponge Uptake During Pregnancy and Postpartum Period.
AuthorsTakashi WATANABE
OrganizationThe Third Department of Internal Medicine, Showa University School of Medicine, (Chief : Prof. Hirokazu Niitani), (Director : Assist. Prof. Shiro Iino)
JournalThe Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine
ArticleOriginal article
Abstract[Summary] The change in the 131I-Triiodothyronine resin sponge uptake (T3 RSU) of the serum during pregnancy and postpartum period was investigated in details in this study, because of scanty reports on this point particularly in early pregnancy and postpartum period. 73 normal pregnant, 11 hyperthyroid pregnant women, 17 normal puerpera and 2 aborted women were employed. The vales of T3 RSU determined were averaged every week until 16th week, later every lunar month until the last month of gestation. The date of pregnancy was calculated from the first day of the last menstruation. In order to investigate the change in T3 RSU after delivery the blood samples were taken successively on the 3rd, 7th, 14th, 30th and 45th days in 17 normal women, the levels of the T3 RSU were determined and averaged for each day, respectively. The relationship between lactation and recovery of T3 RSU after delivery was also studied. The T3 RSU was determined with Triosorb kit and the radioactivity was measured with Aloka's Uptex. It was observed that T3 RSU began to decrease in the 6th week of gestation already, became under 25% in the 10th week, reached its lowest value of 19.4% in the 15th week, then kept the value with minor fluctuations throughout the rest of gestation. After delivery, T3 RSU began to increase on the 7th day at the latest, returned to normal range on the 30th day in some, but by the 45th day in all of them. The recovery of the T3 RSU to the normal range was faster in the bottle feeding mothers than in breast feeding ones. In 2 cases with impending abortion, T3 RSU values 2 and 4 days before abortion were in the normal non-pregnant range. The normal pregnancy and normal delivery was observed not infrequently even in the subjects with T3 RSU value over 25% in the period later than 10th week of gestation. The average T3 RSU value of the cord blood was 34.2+-2.3%, which was higher than that of the mother. In the pregnant women complicated with hyperthyroidism T3 RSU values were over upper euthyroid limit of 38%. It is concluded that during pregnancy T3 RSU begin to fall very early and keeps its lowest value from the 15th week through the end of gestation and the recovery of the T3 RSU value to the normal level after delivery is completed by the 45th day. It was of interest that the recovery of the T3 RSU to the normal range was faster in the bottle feeding mothers than in the breast feeding ones, the reason being unexplained. Since T3 RSU keeps high value in the pregnant women com plicated with hyperthyroidism, it was thought to be very useful tool in separating hyperthyroid pregnants from euthyroid ones.
PracticeClinical medicine
