Title203Hg標識MHPによるスキャニングに関する諸問題 第1報 (クリアランス, 脾ならびに腎スキャニング, 尿中排泄と腎残留)
Authors立野育郎, 加藤外栄
Abstract立野は, さきに51Crを用いて脾の機能検査法としてのクリアランスと脾スキャニングについて報告した. これらの方法は, 51Cr標識傷害赤血球が殆んど選択的に脾に喰食され, 注射後30分〜10時間もの間に於いてスキャン可能であり, half time clearance (t1/2) の再現性がすぐれており, 脾ならびに全身放射線量が許容量の範囲内にあることなどの長所を持っている. しかし, 赤血球傷害操作に時間がかかり, 脾の描出能が放射性Hg標識MHPによる脾シンチグラムに比してややおとるのが欠点だと考えられる. Wagnerは, 203Hg又は197Hg標識の1-bromo-mercuri-2-hydroxypropane (BMHP) を, 次いで1mercuri-2-hydroxypropane (MHP) を製造して, これらによる脾スキャニングを開発し, Crollなどによって追試され, 我が国では, 上田などにより197Hg標識MHPの試作と脾スキャニングの検討が報告されている.
TitleSeveral Problems on the Splenic Scanning by 203Hg-Labeled MHP (The First Report) (Clearance, Splenic and Renal Scanning, Urinary Excretion and Renal Retention)
AuthorsI.Tatsuno, S.Kato
OrganizationDepartment of Radiology, National Kanazawa Hospital
JournalThe Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine
ArticleOriginal article
Abstract[Summary] Previously author has reported the functional test and radioisotope scanning of the spleen by 51Cr labeled erythrocytes. Following these studies, some developements have been made. Splenic scanning, RI clearance and excretion studies with 203Hg-labeled MHP (MHP-203) were performed in 15 patients. MHP, 100 microcuries, was mixed with several milliliters of patient's blood. This was immediately reinjected intravenously and counting rate over the aorta of the front chest was recorded for 30 minutes and whole body linear scan mainly aiming the spleen, liver and kidney was also performed at the 30 minutes intervals for the first 6 hours, then daily for 1 week and 2 to 3 days for couple of weeks. Total urine collection was obtained daily for one week. The abdominal area scan was carried out routinely 1 to 2 hours after injection. The 14 studies indicated that the half time clearance (t1/2min.) of MHP-203 labeled erythrocytes was 7 to 108 minutes. Average half time clearance was longer than the one with 51Cr method. After the erythrocytes were seqestered in the spleen, the radioactive mercury accumulated predominantly in the kidney and liver. The time of the peak level of localization in the spleen is usually between 1 and 2 hours after the injection and duration time is so short that spleen was apt to be superimposed with kidney on the scintigram. The linear scan was greatly helpful to avoid this superimposing. On the other side, the differential diagnosis of the left upper quadrant abdomen mass can be of value since spleen and kidney are shown separated on one scintigram. The upper pole of the right kidney was not so clearly delinated as using radioactive Neohydrin since MHP deposit much more in the liver than Neohydrin. It is important not to misinterpret the linear scan pattern performed prior to area scan of various anomalies of the spleen. The radiomercury in the kidney was excreted in the urine. The 5 studies indicated that 10 to 14 per cent of injected dose was found in the urine for one week. Radiomercury in the kidney of 5 cases remained in the kidney with a effective half life of 18 to 49 days. Splenic radiation is not significant since the radioactivity remains in the spleen for only a few hours. Viewing the standpoint of radiation, the critical organ is the kidney. The radiation dose after the time of maximum retention of RI which was usually observed 2 to 4 days after the injection was determined by the Quimby formula. The radiation to 120 g of kidney (which is average weight of each kidney) from a 100 microcuries of 203Hg-MHP will be approximately 90 rads. The dose will be reduced to at least one-tenth by the use of 197Hg.
PracticeClinical medicine
