Japanese |
Title | 運動負荷T1-201心筋SPECTにおけるrelative washout rate (rW-R) の検討 |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 奥住一雄* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *東邦大学医学部内科学第一講座 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 26 |
Number | 3 |
Page | 329-338 |
Year/Month | 1989/3 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」 washout rate (W-R) は運動負荷量等に影響を受けるため, 今回著者は虚血領域と健常領域のW-Rの比であるrelative W-R (rW-R) を算出, rW-Rの意義と有用性について検討した. 対象はsuccessful PTCAが施行された一枝病変を有する狭心症 (33例) , 心筋梗塞症 (21例) 54例で, 運動負荷心筋SPECTはPTCA前後に行った. 労作性狭心症 (EAP) 28例において冠動脈狭窄度とrW-R, severity score (Sv-S) とrW-Rにはともに良好な負の相関がみられ (r = -0.692, r = -0.796) , rW-Rはほぼ冠血流量に規定されると解された. 一方労作兼安静時狭心症 (VSA) 5例ではEAP症例と比較し, rW-RはSv-Sに比し低値の傾向を示し, VSA症例のrW-Rは冠血流量に加えextraction fractionの低下等, 他要因の関与が示唆された. PTCA前後の検討でrW-RはPTCA後の冠灌流, 運動耐容能の改善を的確に予見した. W-Rは虚血, 心筋viabilityを正確に反映しており, rW-Rは臨床的に有用な指標と結論される. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Relative washout rate (rW-R) , Stress T1-201 myocardial SPECT, Single vessel coronary artery disease, PTCA, Bull's eye |
English |
Title | Assessment of Relative Washout Rate (rW-R) in Stress T1-201 Myocardial SPECT |
Subtitle | |
Authors | Ichio OKUZUMl |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | The First Department of Internal Medicine, Toho University School of Medicine |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 26 |
Number | 3 |
Page | 329-338 |
Year/Month | 1989/3 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary] Stress T1-201 myocardial SPECT was performed and evaluated quantitatively by Bull's eye method in 54 patients with single vessel coronary artery disease (33 angina pectoris, 21 myocardial infarction) who underwent successful PTCA. As the index of myocardial ischemia and viable muscle that was not affected by work load and others, relative washout rate (rW-R) was calculated from the formula : washout rate (W-R) of ischemic area was divided W-R of normal area. The purpose of this study was to examine the significance and usefulness of rW-R. Good correlation was recognized between grade of coronary artery stenosis, severity score (Sv-S) and rW-R in 28 patients with effort angina pectoris (EAP) . Therefore, rW-R was regulated with coronary flow in EAP. On the other hand, in 5 patients with vasospastic angina (VSA) , there was a tendency that rW-R showed low value compared with Sv-S. It was suggested that rW-R in patients with VSA was regulated not only coronary flow but also other factors. As a result of study before and after successful PTCA, rW-R foresaw the improvement of coronary perfusion and work load capacity by successful PTCA exactly. It was concluded that W-R reflected myocardial ischemia and myocardial viability accurately, and rW-R was a useful clinical index. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Relative washout rate (rW-R) , Stress T1-201 myocardial SPECT, Single vessel coronary artery disease, PTCA, Bull's eye |