Japanese |
Title | ICMA (Immunochemiluminometric assay) によるCEAの測定 - 特に低CEA値域をIRMA (Immunoradiometric assay) と比較して - |
Subtitle | 技術報告 |
Authors | 間中友季子*, 渡辺道子*, 安久津徹*, 駒谷昭夫*, 山口昂一* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *山形大学医学部附属病院放射線部 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 32 |
Number | 9 |
Page | 1029-1035 |
Year/Month | 1995/9 |
Article | 報告 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」全自動化学発光免疫測定装置ケミルミアナライザーACS180を用いて血清CEA値を測定した. また, IRMAであるCEAキット「第一」IIによる測定結果と比較した. ACS180による測定では同時再現性は1.97ng/mlでC. V. =4.06%, 17.3ng/mlで1.62%, 81.3ng/mlで2.28%であった. また, 日差再現性は1.99ng/mlでC. V. =4.02%, 16.5ng/mlで1.21%, 79.4ng/mlで3.44%であった. 最小検出感度はプレシジョンプロフィールによる実効値で0.4ng/mlであった. CEA値が0.4ng/ml以上100ng/ml以下(ACS180の測定範囲とした)の検体164例のIRMAとの相関はR=0.984, y=1.07x+0.09(p<0.05)であった. 健常人53名および悪性疾患患者132名のうちカットオフ値2.5ng/mlを超えるものはそれぞれ7名(13.2%)および45名(34.1%)であった. 悪性疾患の患者82例のうち手術後65例が下降した. ACS180によるCEA測定は, 検査所要時間が従来のラジオイムノアッセイに比べて短時間であるにもかかわらず, 感度, 精度ともに満足のいくものであり, 低測定値の検体が多数をしめる当項目において0.4ng/mlまで信頼できる値を得ることができた. 患者検体の測定値もIRMAにおけるものと高い相関を示した. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | CEA, Tumor marker, ICMA, IRMA, Sensitivity. |
English |
Title | Immunochemiluminometric Assay (Automated Chemiluminescence System ACS : 180) for CEA |
Subtitle | |
Authors | Yukiko MANAKA, Michiko WATANABE, Toru AKUTSU, Akio KOMATANI, Koichi YAMAGUCHI |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | Department of Radiology, Yamagata University School of Medicine |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 32 |
Number | 9 |
Page | 1029-1035 |
Year/Month | 1995/9 |
Article | Report |
Abstract | We examined Automated Chemiluminescence System ACS: 180 for CEA assay, especially about confidence of the functional sensitivity. Serum CEA levels of normal subjects and patients were measured not only with ACS: 180 but also with immunoradiometric assay (CEA kit [Daiichi] II). Using ACS: 180 assay for CEA, intra-assay coefficients of variation (C. V. s) were 4.06% at 1.97ng/ml, 1.62% at 17.3ng/ml, and 2.28% at 81.3ng/ml. Interassay C. V. s were 4.02% at 1.99ng/ml, 1.21% at 16.5ng/ml, and 3.44% at 79.4ng/ml. The detection limit (functional sensitivity) of ACS: 180 assay for CEA was 0.4ng/ml by the precision profile. The coefficient of correlation of 164 sera, which CEA values were among 0.4-100ng/ml (working range of ACS : 180), between with ACS: 180 and with CEA kit [Daiichi] II was R=0.942, y=1.07x+0.09(p<0.05). Seven(13.2%) normal subjects (n=53) and 45(34.1%) patients with malignant diseases (n=132) had higher serum CEA levels than the cut off value(2.5ng/ml). The sera of 82 malignant patients who had both pre- and post-operation sample were determined. Sixty-five patients of them were decrease after operation. These results of ACS: 180 resembled to that of CEA kit [Daiichi] II. We conclude that ACS: 180 for CEA assay was precise enough to measure below the cut off value, and had good performance of its speed (short incubation) and convenience. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | CEA, Tumor marker, ICMA, IRMA, Sensitivity. |