Japanese |
Title | 肺癌脳転移における201Tl脳SPECTの検討 - 病巣・健常部カウント比と病巣の大きさについて - |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 戸川貴史*, 油井信春*, 木下富士美*, 柳沢正道*, 難波宏樹** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *千葉県がんセンター核医学診療部, **脳神経外科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 32 |
Number | 3 |
Page | 217-225 |
Year/Month | 1995/3 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」肺癌脳転移20例において3検出器回転型ガンマカメラを用い201Tl SPECTを行い, 病巣の大きさと検出率および病巣・健常部カウント比 (T/N比) との関連について検討した. 71病巣のうち腫瘍径が13mm以下では40病巣中9病巣 (22.5%) が検出されたのみであったが, 14mm以上の病巣では31病巣のすべて (100%) が201Tl SPECTにより検出可能であった. 転移巣のT/N比と病巣の大きさの間には, 有意な正の相関 (r=0.75, p<0.001) があり, 転移巣が大きいほど, T/N比は高値を示した. さらに, 同一患者においても, 多発性脳転移では病巣の大きさ (d) とT/N比との間に, やはり有意な正の相関 (r=0.96, p<0.01) があり, T/N比は病巣の大きさによって変動した. このT/N比の差は部分容積効果に基づくものと考えられた. しかし, T/N比をdで補正したT/N・dを求めると, 病巣の大きさにかかわらずT/N・d値は一定値を示した. 以上の結果は, 従来より脳腫瘍の悪性度の評価に有用であると考えられていたT/N比が病巣の大きさによって変動し, より正確なパラメータを求めるにはT/N比をさらに大きさによって補正する必要があることを示した. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Brain tumor, 201Tl SPECT, Thallium index, Partial volume effect |
English |
Title | A Study on Thallium-201 SPECT in Brain Metastases of Lung Cancer : With Special Reference to Tumor Size and Tumor to Normal Brain Thallium Uptake Ratio |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Takashi TOGAWA*, Nobuharu YUI*, Fujimi KINOSHITA*, Masamichi YANAGISAWA*, Hiroki NAMBA** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Division of Nuclear Medicine, **Division of Neurological Surgery, Chiba Cancer Center Hospital |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 32 |
Number | 3 |
Page | 217-225 |
Year/Month | 1995/3 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary] Thallium-201 brain SPECT was performed on 20 patients with brain metastases of lung cancer using a three-head rotating gamma camera and the effect of tumor size on tumor detectability and tumor to normal brain thallium uptake ratio (T/N ratio) was studied. Among 71 metastatic lesions, only 9 (22.5%) of 40 lesions of 13 mm diameter or below and 31 (100%) of 31 lesions of 14 mm diameter or above could be detected in this study. There was a significant correlation between T/N ratio and tumor size (r=0.75, p<0.001). The greater the metastatic lesion, the higher the T/N ratio. Even among the tumors in a single patient with multiple brain metastases, there was a significant linear correlation between tumor size and T/N ratio (r=0.96, p<0.01). In this patient, T/N ratio varied by the tumor size and these differences in T/N ratios were thought to be based on the partial volume effect. However, T/N・d which was a parameter corrected by tumor diameter (d) showed a constant value regardless of tumor size. The present results showed that T/N ratio, which was usually believed to quantitate the malignancy grade of brain tumor, was affected by tumor size and that more accurate parameter could be obtained by the correction of T/N ratio by tumor size. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Brain tumor, 201Tl SPECT, Thallium index, Partial volume effect |