Title虚血性脳血管障害における123I-IMP SPECTと99mTc-HMPAO SPECT局所脳血流量の比較
Authors井坂吉成*,**, 吉川卓也**, 大江洋介**, 中山博文**, 阿部亨**, 芦田敬一**, 今泉昌利**, 田中清次*
Organization*国立大阪病院画像診断部, **総合内科
Abstract「要旨」虚血性脳血管障害16例と健常者8例において133Xe全脳血流量を標準として, 123I-IMP SPECTまたは99mTc-HMPAO SPECTから局所脳血流 (rCBF) を算出し, IMP-CBFとHMPAO-CBFを比較した. 健常例の右脳と左脳, 虚血性脳血管障害の責任病巣側と非責任病巣側の4群間でIMP-CBF, HMPAO-CBFの分散比 (F) を比較すると, F値は9関心領域中5領域でIMP>HMPAO, 4領域でHMPAO>IMPであった. 虚血性脳血管障害で二次元配置分散分析により, トレーサ (IMPとHMPAO), 病巣側 (責任病巣側と反対側), トレーサx病巣側の交互作用のrCBFにおよぼす影響を検討すると, トレーサと交互作用は全関心領域で有意性がなく, 病巣側は3関心領域で有意であった (p<0.02〜0.05). 123I-IMP CBFは, 99mTc-HMPAO CBFよりも, 高血流部/低血流部のコントラストにすぐれていたが, 虚血性脳血管障害における脳血流異常検出能は, 両者間で有意差のないことが示唆された.
Keywords123I-IMP, 99mTc-HMPAO, CBF, 133Xe, Cerebral infarction
TitleIntrasubject Comparison of Regional Cerebral Blood Flow between N-Isopropyl-p-[123I]Iodoamphetamine SPECT and 99mTc-Hexamethylpropyleneamine Oxime SPECT in Patients with Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease
SubtitleOriginal Articles
AuthorsYoshinari ISAKA*,**, Takuya YOSHIKAWA**, Yohsuke OHE**, Hirofumi NAKAYAMA**, Tohru ABE**, Keiichi ASHIDA**, Masatoshi IMAIZUMI**, Seiji TANAKA*
Organization*Department of Nuclear Medicine, **Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka National Hospital
JournalThe Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine
ArticleOriginal article
Abstract[Summary] We compared regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) of CBF-SPECT brain imaging in two brain perfusion agents, N-isopropyl-p-[123I]iodoamphetamine (123I-IMP) and 99mTc-hexamethylpropyleneamineoxime (99mTc-HMPAO), in the same patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disease. In eight healthy volunteers and 16 patients with chronic stage of cerebral infarction, single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) data was normalized to the count density of the tracer in the whole brain, and then converted to the absolute units of CBF by multiplying average 133Xe-CBF in the whole-brain. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), grouped by the affected and contra lateral hemispheres of patients and right and left hemispheres of normal volunteers, was used to assess the changes in pattern of regional CBF (rCBF) among disease and control groups. Regional CBF was significantly reduced in patients compared with normal controls in all the brain regions on both tracers : F=6.6-14 and p=9.1×10-4-1.6×10-6 in IMP, and F=5.8-14.8 and p=2×10-3-8.2×10-7 in HMPAO. F value was higher in IMP than that of HMPAO in five of nine brain regions of interests (the frontal, temporal and occipital cortices, thalamus and the striatum), whereas F value was higher in HMPAO than IMP in the other four regions (the central lobule, parietal cortex, hippocampus and the centrum semiovale). Two-way ANOVA, grouped by the affected hemisphere in patients, tracer, and affected hemisphere x tracer, indicated that effects of tracer (F=0.00-2.64) and of affected hemisphere x tracer (F=0.00-0.12) for rCBF were not significant. There was a main effect of clinically affected side on rCBF in three of nine regions (the central lobule, parietal cortex and the centrum semiovale ; F=3.9-6.1 ; p<0.05-0.02). In patients with cortical infarction (n=8), rCBF values of IMP and HMPAO were 14.8+-4.1 ml/100g/min and 17.6+-3.8 ml/100g/min for the core of the infarct, and were 34.7+-8.6 ml/100g/min and 32.6+-8.4ml/100g/min for the contralateral region, respectively. The contrast of IMP image was better than that of HMPAO image in cortical infarction, but this difference was not a significant extent. In conclusion, our intrasubject comparisons in ischemic cerebrovascular disease show that detectability of CBF abnormalities in HMPAO CBF-SPECT is roughly equivalent to that of IMP-CBF SPECT.
PracticeClinical medicine
Keywords123I-IMP, 99mTc-HMPAO, CBF, 133Xe, Cerebral infarction
