Japanese |
Title | 123I-MIBGシンチグラフィによるneural crest tumorの検出 |
Subtitle | 技術報告 |
Authors | 池窪勝治*, 日野恵*, 大塚博幸*, 伊藤秀臣*, 山口晴司*, 壇芳之*, 増井裕利子*, 尾藤早苗*, 太田圭子*, 才木康彦*, 石原隆**, 服部尚樹**, 森寺邦三郎**, 倉八博之** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *神戸市立中央市民病院核医学科, **内分泌内科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 31 |
Number | 11 |
Page | 1357-1364 |
Year/Month | 1994/11 |
Article | 報告 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」1993年1月から1994年1月までの1年間に22症例において施行した123I-MIBGシンチグラフィまたは131I-MIBGシンチグラフィの有用性につき検討した. 褐色細胞腫の2例においては同時期に施行した123I-MIBGと131I-MIBGシンチグラムを比較した. 副腎褐色細胞腫の1例では131I-MIBGシンチグラフィでは全く腫瘍が検出されず123I-MIBGシンチグラフィで明白に描出された. 他の多発性転移の1例では123I-MIBGシンチグラムは131I-MIBGシンチグラムに比べてより多数の病巣が明瞭に描出され病巣の広がりがより明らかであった. また123I-MIBGシンチグラフィにより褐色細胞腫1例, 神経芽細胞腫3例と甲状腺髄様癌1例のすべてが検出された. neural crest tumorおよび副腎疾患以外の7症例における123I-MIBG分布像では正常副腎が高率 (86%) に描出された. 123I-MIBGシンチグラムが131I-MIBGに比べて画質が良い主な理由は前者が後者に比べて比放射能が高く, かつ投与量が多い上にシンチグラフィに適したエネルギーをもつためであると考えられた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | 123I-MIBG, 131I-MIBG, Pheochromocytoma, Neuroblastoma, Neural crest tumor |
English |
Title | Detection of Neural Crest Tumors by 123I-MIBG Scintigraphy |
Subtitle | |
Authors | Katsuji IKEKUBO*, Megumu HINO*, Hiroyuki OOTSUKA*, Hidetomi ITO*, Haruji YAMAGUCHI*, Yoshiyuki DAN*, Yuriko MASUI*, Sanae BITO*, Keiko OHTA*, Yasuhiko SAIKI*, Takashi ISHIHARA**, Naoki HATTORI**, Kunisaburo MORIDERA**, Hiroyuki KURAHACHI** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Department of Nuclear Medicine, **Department of Internal Medicine, Kobe City General Hospital |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 31 |
Number | 11 |
Page | 1357-1364 |
Year/Month | 1994/11 |
Article | Report |
Abstract | [Summary] From January 1993 to January 1994, scintigraphy with 123I-MIBG and/or 131I-MIBG were performed in 22 patients and their scintigraphic usefulness was evaluated. Iodine-123 MIBG and 131I-MIBG scintigrams were obtained 24 hours after injection of 222 MBq of 123I-MIBG and 48 hours after injection of 20 MBq of 131I-MIBG, respectively. In two patients with pheochromocytoma, the 123I-MIBG and 131I-MIBG scans were performed and both images were compared. In a patient with single intraadrenal pheochromocytoma, the lesion not detected with 131I-MIBG was clearly visualized with 123I-MIBG. In the other patient with multiple metastatic pheochromocytoma, much more lesions were distinctly demonstrated on the 123I-MIBG images than on the 131I-MIBG images. All of the lesions were detected with 123I-MIBG in a patient with pheochromocytoma, 3 patients with neuroblastoma and a patient with medullary thyroid cancer. Most of the normal adrenal glands (86%) were visualized on the 123I-MIBG scintigrams, in 7 patients without neural crest tumor and adrenal diseases, while 131I-MIBG scintigraphy failed to visualize normal adrenal glands in 2 hypertensive patients. The main reason for the superiority of 123I-MIBG to 131I-MIBG is considered to be as follows : 1) higher specific activity of 123I-MIBG. 2) the larger amount of 123I-MIBG used. 3) gamma ray energy of 123I is ideal for gamma camera. In conclusion, 123I-MIBG appears to be a more suitable imaging agent than 131I-MIBG in depicting neural crest tumors. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | 123I-MIBG, 131I-MIBG, Pheochromocytoma, Neuroblastoma, Neural crest tumor |