Japanese |
Title | 脳腫瘍に対する, 放射線・化学療法の効果判定としての201Tl-chloride SPECTの意義 |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 戸村則昭*, 小林満*, 大山洋一*, 佐藤公彦*, 加藤弘毅*, 日下一也*, 渡会二郎*, 佐々木一文** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *秋田大学医学部放射線科, **中央放射線部 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 31 |
Number | 8 |
Page | 951-956 |
Year/Month | 1994/8 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」悪性脳腫瘍に対する, 放射線・化学療法の効果判定のための201TlCl-SPECTの有用性について, CT・MRIと比較検討した. 対象は14例の悪性脳腫瘍で, 放射線・化学療法の直前と直後にSPECTを施行し, Tl-index(腫瘍部の対称部に対するカウント比)の変化をみた. CTまたはMRIは, SPECTと同時期の治療直前と直後, さらに治療後1〜2か月に行い, 腫瘍径を測定し, Tl-indexの変化と比較した. Tl-indexの変化は, 治療前と直後の腫瘍径の変化とは相関しなかったが, 治療前と治療後1〜2か月の腫瘍径の変化と相関した(p<0.005). すなわち, 治療直後でのTl-indexは, 治療後1〜2か月の腫瘍径を反映していることを示しており, CT・MRIよりも早期に治療効果を知ることが可能と考えられ, 早期の追加治療や治療法の変更の決定に寄与する可能性があることを示唆していた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | SPECT, 201TlCl, Brain tumor, Radiation, Chemotherapy. |
English |
Title | Thallium-201 Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography in the Evaluation of Therapeutic Response for Brain Tumors |
Subtitle | |
Authors | Noriaki TOMURA*, Mitsuru KOBAYASHI*, Youichi OYAMA*, Kimihiko SATOH*, Kouki KATO*, Kazuya KUSAKA*, Jiro WATARAI*, Kazufumi SASAKI** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Department of Radiology, Akita University School of Medicine, **Department of Radiology, Akita University Hospital |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 31 |
Number | 8 |
Page | 951-956 |
Year/Month | 1994/8 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary] To evaluate the effectiveness of radiation and chemotherapy of malignant brain tumors, 201TlCl-SPECT (Tl-SPECT) was compared with CT and MRI. The subjects were 14 patients with malignant brain tumors; 12 malignant astrocytomas, 1 medulloblastoma and 1 malignant lymphoma. Tl- SPECT was performed before and immediately after the therapy. On the Tl-SPECT, count ratio (Tl-index) of tumor to normal brain tissue was measured. To evaluate the size of tumor, CT or MRI was performed before and immediately after the therapy, and 1-2 months after the therapy. The change of Tl-index immediately after therapy was compared with the change of the size of tumor. Though the change of Tl-index did not correlate with the change of tumoral size immediately after therapy, it correlated with the change of tumoral size 1-2 months after the therapy, i.e., it was thought that Tl-index reflected the change of tumoral size 1-2 months after the therapy. Tl- SPECT will be feasible for the evaluation of the effectiveness of the therapy for malignant brain tumors, because it reflects the effectiveness of the therapy earlier than CT or MRI. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | SPECT, 201TlCl, Brain tumor, Radiation, Chemotherapy. |