Japanese |
Title | 新標準試料を用いたNon boil radioassayによる血清ビタミンB12・葉酸の測定 |
Subtitle | 技術報告 |
Authors | 石渡幸久*, 槌居敬志*, 遠藤紀子*, 池田律子*, 安田和人* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *帝京大学医学部臨床病理学教室 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 31 |
Number | 6 |
Page | 619-627 |
Year/Month | 1994/6 |
Article | 報告 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」血清にアルカリを加え内因子性結合タンパクを変性させることによって解離させ, 磁性鉄微粒子にコーティングした結合蛋白(精製ブタ内因子, 精製牛乳葉酸結合蛋白)を用いて磁力でB/F分離を行うnon boil法の測定値は従来のboil法より低値を示すことが知られており, 問題となっている. そこでわれわれは新標準試料を用いたnon boil法における血清ビタミンB12, 葉酸の測定精度を検討し, 従来の標準試料を用いたnon boil法ならびにboil法との比較を行い, 特に葉酸測定の検討に重点を置いて検討した. そこでわれわれはnon boil法の測定精度ならびに正常値についてboil法と比較した. 1. 新標準試料を用いたnon boil法の同時再現性は, ビタミンB12でCV4.5±2.5%, 葉酸3.5±0.2%と良好であった. 2. CN-Cbl, 局方葉酸による回収試験は新標準試料を用いたnon boil法でビタミンB12:95.2〜99.0%, 葉酸:101.0〜108.0%であり, 従来のnon boil法の回収率(ビタミンB12:99.4〜100.6%, 葉酸:100.8〜101.8%)と同等であった. しかし5-CH3-H4-葉酸による回収率は新標準試料を用いたnon boil法で101.0〜104.0%と従来のnon boil法の60.0〜94.5%に比較して良好な成績が得られた. 3. 新標準試料を用いたnon boil法とboil法との相関はビタミンB12:r=0.987, y=0.97x+73.59, 葉酸:r=0.932, y=1.02x-0.08であり, 両測定値は一致した. また血清葉酸においてLactobacillus caseiによるmicrobioassayとの相関はr=0.984, y=1.10x+2.87であり, 良好な相関が得られた. 4. 新標準試料を用いたnon boil法による血清ビタミンB12の正常値は210〜920pg/ml, 血清葉酸の正常値は2.5〜9.2ng/mlであり, 従来のboil法の正常値と一致した. 5. 本標準試料を用いたnon boil法は正確に血清ビタミンB12, 葉酸濃度を測定していると考え, 正常値として, 正確であると思われた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Vitamin B12, Folic acid, Non boil method, Radioassay. |
English |
Title | Determination of Serum Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid by Non Boil (New Standard) Radioassay |
Subtitle | Technical Reports |
Authors | Yukihisa ISHIWATA, Keiji TUCHII, Noriko ENDO, Ritsuko IKEDA, Kazuto YASUDA |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | Department of Clinical Pathology, Teikyo University School of Medicine |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 31 |
Number | 6 |
Page | 619-627 |
Year/Month | 1994/6 |
Article | Report |
Abstract | [Summary] On purpose to study the radioassay of serum vitamin B12 and folic acid using non boil methods in with these two vitamins were released from their endogenous binding proteins with alkalin denaturation and separated the bound vitamins from the free ones with the magnetic iron particles coated these vitamin binders (purified hog intrinsic factor and β-lactoglobulin from cow milk) were evaluated on precision and accuracy, compared with boil radioassay. 1. The reproducibilities of non boil method were 4.5+-2.5% on vit. B12 and 3.5+-0.2% on folate (n=10), respectively. 2. The recovery test of the two serum vitamins with the use of cyanocobalamin and pteroyl-glutamic acid (J.P.) were finely showed the rations of 95.2-99.0% for vit. B12 and 101.0-108.0% for folic acid. And that of folic acid use of 5-methyl-tetrahydropteroylglutamic acid was showed the ratios of 101.0-104.0%. The values of folic acid measured by this method were found slightly higher than non boil method using conventional standard. 3. The correlation coefficient between non boil method and boil method were 0.987 and regression equation was showed y=0.97x+73.59 for vit. B12 (n=75) and r=0.932, y=1.02x-0.08 (n=78) for folic acid. 4. Normal range of serum total vit. B12 concentration was 210-920 (484+-160 pg/ml, n=259) and that of folic acid was 2.5-9.2 (5.2+-1.4 ng/ml, n=257), as well as boil method. 5. Accordingly it was considered that non boil (new standard) method was excellent for estimation of vitamin B12 and folic acid clinical status. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Vitamin B12, Folic acid, Non boil method, Radioassay. |