Japanese |
Title | 健常者の心筋における123I-MIBGの分布と動態について |
Subtitle | 《原著》 |
Authors | 志賀浩治*, 杉原洋樹**, 井上孝*, 藤田信男*, 小川史顕*, 中川達哉***, 大槻克一***, 馬本郁男***, 谷口洋子***, 中川雅夫*** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *京都第一赤十字病院放射線科, **京都府立医科大学放射線科, ***京都府立医科大学第二内科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 30 |
Number | 11 |
Page | 1359-1367 |
Year/Month | 1993/11 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」 健常者12例に対して123I-MIBG心筋シンチグラフィを施行し, MIBGの分布およびクリアランスについて検討した. Planarにおける心縦隔・肺縦隔取り込み比は, 初期像2.68, 1.82, 遅延像2.75, 1.55であった. クリアランスは心筋29.8, 肺41.6(%)と肺で有意に速く, 心筋像は遅延像でより明瞭となった. SPECTにおける左室前壁・中隔・下壁・側壁間の相対的取り込みは, 初期像100.0, 93.9, 85.0, 104.9(%), 遅延像100.0, 96.8, 79.4, 99.1(%)と下壁で有意に低く, 局所クリアランスは25.1, 22.5, 29.7, 29.3(%)と下側壁で有意に高値であった. 左室心基部・中部・心尖部間の相対的取り込みは, 初期像100.0, 104.5, 98.9(%), 遅延像100.0, 103.9, 96.8(%)と基部に対し中部で高く, 局所クリアランスにはそれぞれ26.5, 27.0, 28.3(%)と有意差を認めなかった. Bull's eye法による左室平均クリアランスは26.9(%)であった. 本検討により健常心筋におけるMIBGの分布およびクリアランスの正常値を得た. 健常心筋においてもこれらが不均一である点に注意を要すると思われた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | 123I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG), Normal human heart, Heart to mediastinum activity ratio, MIBG clearance, MIBG distribution. |
English |
Title | The Distribution and Kinetics of 123I-MIBG in Normal Human Hearts |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Koji SHIGA*, Hiroki SUGIHARA**, Takashi INOUE*, Nobuo FUJITA*, Fumiaki OGAWA*, Tatsuya NAKAGAWA***, Katsuichi OTSUKI***, Ikuo UMAMOTO***, Yoko TANIGUCHI***, Masao NAKAGAWA*** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Department of Radiology, Kyoto First Red Cross Hospital, **Department of Radiology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, ***Second Department of Medicine, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 30 |
Number | 11 |
Page | 1359-1367 |
Year/Month | 1993/11 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary] 123I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) myocardial scintigraphy was performed in twelve normal human subjects, and the distribution and clearance of MIBG were estimated. In PLANAR studies, heart to mediastinum (H/M) and lung to mediastinum activity ratio (L/M) were 2.68+-0.45 and 1.82+-0.23 in initial images, and 2.75+-0.44 and 1.55+-0.13 in delayed images. The clearance of MIBG in the lung was more rapid than that in the heart, 41.6+-4.1 vs. 29.8+-3.2 (%), therefore MIBG cardiac profiles were more clarified in delayed images. In SPECT studies, the regional relative uptake (RRU) in anterior, septal, inferior and lateral wall were 100.0+-0, 93.9+-6.9, 85.0+-10.0 and 104.9+-8.3 (%) in initial images, and 100.0+-0, 96.8+-9.6, 79.4+-8.3 and 99.1+-7.9 (%) in delayed images, respectively. The RRU in inferior wall was significantly lower than those in the other walls. The regional clearance rate (RCR) in these four walls were 25.1+-4.6, 22.5+-8.2, 29.7+-8.3, 29.3+-3.4 (%), respectively. The RCR in inferior and lateral wall were significantly larger than those in anterior and septal walls. The RRU in basal, mid and apical portion were 100.0+-0, 104.5+-3.3, 98.9+-12.1 (%) in initial images, and 100.0+-0, 103.9+-4.5, 96.8+-15.2 (%) in delayed images, respectively. The RRU in mid portion was significantly higher than that in basal portion. The RCR in these three portions were 26.5+-5.9, 27.0+-4.6, 28.3+-6.2 (%), respectively. No significant difference was seen in those. Mean clearance rate of the whole left ventricle was 26.9+-4.1(%) by Bull's eye method. In this study, we obtained the normal values of the distribution and clearance of MIBG. Those were concluded to be heterogeneous even in normal human hearts, and it indicated that we should pay attention to this heterogeneity. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | 123I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG), Normal human heart, Heart to mediastinum activity ratio, MIBG clearance, MIBG distribution. |