Japanese |
Title | 201Tl, 123I-標識側鎖脂肪酸同時SPECTによる局所壁運動と心筋脂肪酸代謝異常の解析 - 冠動脈疾患, 肥大型心筋症, 高血圧疾患における検討 - |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 長谷守*, 中田智明*, 米倉修二*, 土橋和文*, 小林史*, 長尾和彦*, 田中繁道*, 久保田昌宏**, 津田隆俊**, 飯村攻* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *札幌医科大学医学部第二内科, **放射線科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 30 |
Number | 5 |
Page | 529-539 |
Year/Month | 1993/5 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」冠動脈疾患(CAD)5例, 肥大型心筋症(HCM)8例, 本態性高血圧症(HT)2例の計15例を対象に, 201Tlと123I-BMIPPによるdual SPECTを施行し, 左室局所壁運動と比較検討した. 左室195区域中, 201Tl/123I-BMIPP集積一致率はCAD63%, HT64%, HCM24%と前二者で高く, 一方123I-BMIPP低下型不一致率はCAD33%, HT31%, HCM65%と後者で高値. また局所壁運動異常は心筋梗塞(MI)3例の18区域で認め, 左室駆出率はMI 1例を除き正常であった. 123I-BMIPP集積低下部位は, HCM, HTでは壁運動異常を示さず. 一方, MIでは21区域中20区域(95%)で壁運動低下を認めた. さらに, 201Tlに比し123I-BMIPP集積低下を示した11区域中8区域(73%)において, 局所壁運動異常をBMIPPはよりよく反映した. 以上, 123I-BMIPPと心筋血流, 壁運動は疾患により種々の関係を呈しうるが, 本法は, 局所心機能との比較により, 各種病態診断に今までにない有力な情報を提供しうるものと期待された. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | β-Methyl fatty acid analogue, Cardiac fatty acid metabolism, Coronary artery disease, Cardiac hypertrophy, Asynergy. |
English |
Title | Correlation of Regional Wall Motion and Fatty Acid Metabolism in Coronary Artery Disease, Hypertension, and Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy : Assessment by Dual-Isotope SPECT with Thallium-201 and Iodine-123 β-Methyl Fatty Acid Analogue |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Mamoru HASE*, Tomoaki NAKATA*, Shuji YONEKURA*, Kazufumi TSUCHIHASHI*, Hiroshi KOBAYASHI*, Kazuhiko NAGAO*, Shigemichi TANAKA*, Masahiro KUBOTA**, Takatoshi TSUDA**, Osamu IIMURA* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Second Department of Internal Medicine, **Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, Sapporo Medical University |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 30 |
Number | 5 |
Page | 529-539 |
Year/Month | 1993/5 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary]In order to investigate the correlation between cardiac fatty acid metabolism and regional wall motion, dual-isotope tomography using thallium-201 and iodine-123 labeled 15-(p-iodophenyl)-3-R, S-methylpentadecanoic acid (BMIPP), was performed in 15 patients with coronary artery disease (CAD), hypertension, or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). The uptake of thallium and BMIPP was scored and compared with left ventricular regional wall motion assessed by 2-dimensional echocardiography and radionuclide ventriculography. The incidence of a complete agreement of thallium and BMIPP scores was significantly higher in hypertension (64%) and CAD (63%) groups compared to HCM patients (24%), while a lower BMIPP uptake compared to that of thallium (mismatching) was observed more frequently in HCM (65%) than in hypertension (31%) or CAD (33%). Only 3 infarct patients had regional wall motion abnormality which was detected in 20 (95%) of 21 segments with a low BMIPP uptake. Furthermore, compared to thallium perfusion, decreased BMIPP uptake much more corresponded to reduced wall motion in 8 of 11 segments with mismatching. Thus, metabolic abnormality assessed by BMIPP is well associated with asynergy in CAD patients, whereas the discrepancy of fatty acid metabolism and contraction is more dominant in HCM, suggesting that the combined assessment of thallium perfusion, BMIPP uptake, and regional wall motion might contribute to better understanding the pathogenesis of various cardiac disorders. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | β-Methyl fatty acid analogue, Cardiac fatty acid metabolism, Coronary artery disease, Cardiac hypertrophy, Asynergy. |