Japanese |
Title | 123I-IMP脳血流シンチにおける Crossed Cerebellar Diaschisis (CCD) の発現と再分布現象に関する研究 |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 小田野行男*, 高橋直也*, 西原眞美子*, 大久保真樹**, 大滝広雄*, 野口栄吉*, 山崎芳裕*, 木村元政*, 酒井邦夫* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *新潟大学医学部放射線医学教室, **新潟大学医療技術短期大学放射線技術学科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 30 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 189-196 |
Year/Month | 1993/2 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」123I-IMP SPECT でしばしば観察される crossed cerebellar diaschisis (CCD) の再分布現象を, 脳腫瘍や脳梗塞など計24例を対象に, マイクロスフェア・モデルを用いた脳血流量測定の立場から分析した. 再分布現象の評価には, 後期像(5時間後)の放射能活性を初期像(15分後)のそれで除した D/E Ratio を用いた. 小脳のrCBFと D/E ratio の間には相関はみられず, CCDにおける再分布現象はrCBFには依存しないと思われた. CCDにより血流の低下した小脳の放射能活性は後期像までほとんど変化せず, 対側の小脳では著明な低下を示した. CCDの再分布現象は, 虚血領域に観察されるものとは異なることが推測された. その発現は, 血流低下のない小脳側におけるIMPの速い洗い出しのため両側小脳の放射能活性の左右差が減少し, いわゆる再分布現象として出現するものと考えられた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Crossed cerebellar diaschisis, 123I-IMP, SPECT, Redistribution, Cerebral blood flow |
English |
Title | A Study of Crossed Cerebellar Diaschisis on 123I-IMP SPECT Images and Its Redistribution Phenomenon |
Subtitle | Summary |
Authors | Ikuo ODANO*, Naoya TAKAHASHI*, Mamiko NISHIHARA*, Masaki OKUBO**, Hiro OTAKI*, Eikichi NOGUCHI*, Yoshihiro YAMAZAKI*, Motomasa KIMURA*, Kunio SAKAI* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Department of Radiology, Niigata University School of Medicine, **Department of Radiological Technology, College of Biomedical Technology, Niigata University |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 30 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 189-196 |
Year/Month | 1993/2 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | Crossed cerebellar diaschisis (CCD) is interpreted as a functional deactivation, presumably caused by a loss of excitatory or inhibitory afferent inputs on the corticopontocerebellar pathway and others. A redistribution phenomenon (RD) is usually observed in the contralateral cerebellum with CCD on delayed images of 123I-IMP SPECT. This phenomenon was analyzed in a view point of rCBF measurement in 24 patients with brain tumor, infarction and so forth. Regional CBF was measured by the microsphere method with 123I-IMP and a delayed-to-early counts ratio (D/E ratio) was used. As a result, there was no relation between rCBF and the D/E ratio in the cerebellum, which means that RD is occurred by other factors except for rCBF in the cerebellum. Regional CBF and the D/E ratio in the contralateral and ipsilateral cerebellum was 46.3 ml/100 g/min, 1.01 and 57.0 ml/100 g/min, 0.86, respectively. These results mean that the high activity of IMP gradually decreased in the ipsilateral cerebellum, while, the low activity in the contralateral cerebellum was almost stable, and the difference of both activity reduced after 5 hours and RD was observed on the delayed image. The data indicate that retention mechanism of IMP and vascular permeability are not affected in the cerebellum with CCD. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Crossed cerebellar diaschisis, 123I-IMP, SPECT, Redistribution, Cerebral blood flow |