Japanese |
Title | 経時的Tc-99m PYP心筋SPECT像と血清心筋ミオシン軽鎖流出曲線による心筋細胞崩壊過程の評価 |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 田中健*, 相澤忠範*, 加藤和三*, 細井宏益* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *心臓血管研究所 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 29 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 213-220 |
Year/Month | 1992/2 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」急性心筋梗塞15例において, 経時的Tc-99m PYP心筋SPECT像と血清心筋ミオシン軽鎖流出曲線の検討を行った. Tc-99m PYP心筋SPECT像を心筋部位と脊椎部位が同一画面内に含まれるように再構成した. 心筋部最大PYP取り込みと脊椎部最大PYP取り込みの比を最大PYP取り込み(%PYP)とした. PYP像は3-5日の間隔で撮像し, 消失時点は%PYPが0.5の時点DAY(PYP)とした. 血清心筋ミオシン軽鎖濃度の正常化は2.5ng/mlとなった時点DAY(LCI)とした. PYP像の大きさは形を変えながら縮小し, %PYPも減少した. %PYPは画像の中央付近に認められ, 経過中同部位であった. PYP像は前壁心筋梗塞では心尖部に最後まで残り, 下壁心筋梗塞では心基部に最後まで残った. DAY(PYP)は9.0±3.0日であり, DAY(LCI)は9.3±2.9日(np)であった. DAY(PYP)=4.4+0.46DAY(LCI)(n=13, r=0.4)の弱い関係が認められた. PYP像と軽鎖流出曲線により壊死心筋細胞の崩壊過程の推定が可能と考えられた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Tc-99m pyrophosphate SPECT images, Acute myocardial infarction, Myosin light chain I. |
English |
Title | Estimation of Destruction of Necrotic Myocardium with Serial PYP SPECT Images and Serum Myosin Light Chain I Level |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Takeshi TANAKA, Tadanori AIZAWA, Kazuzo KATO, Hiromitsu HOSOI |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | The Cardiovascular Institute |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 29 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 213-220 |
Year/Month | 1992/2 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary]PYP SPECT images were underwent in 15 patients with acute myocardial infarction 2-5 times in three weeks. PYP SPECT images were recon-structed as to include both vertebral images and myocardial images. Quantitative estimation of PYP images was performed by the ratio of maximal PYP myocardial uptake to maximal PYP vertebral uptake in the central sagittal images (%PYP). Disappearance of PYP images was defined as the day, when %PYP reached 50%. Normalization of serum myosin light chain I (LCI) level was defined as the day, when LCI level reached 2.5 ng/ml. %PYP decreased continuously and maximal PYP point remained at the same area. Shape of PYP images varied and diminished. In case of anterior wall infarction apical PYP uptake persisted longer than basal uptake. In case of inferior wall infarction basal PYP uptake persisted longer than apical uptake. The mean period from onset to the disappearance of PYP images was 9 +- 3 days. Pattern of serial serum MB level was simple, however corresponding pattern of serial serum LCI level showed various types. The mean period from onset to the peak level was 4.1 +- 1 day. Normalization of LCI level was 9.3 +- 2.9 days. It showed that process of destruction of necrotic myocardium vary in each case. Weak relation was noted between disappearance of PYP images (DAY-PYP) and normalization of LCI level (DAY-LCI). DAY-PYP=4.4+0.46DAY-LCI(n=13, r=0.4). Quantitative PYP images were useful for detect-ing ongoing necrotic myocardium and serum LCI level was useful for estimating destruction of necrotic myocardium. PYP images and serum LCI level were useful to study the process of destruction of necrotic myocardium. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Tc-99m pyrophosphate SPECT images, Acute myocardial infarction, Myosin light chain I. |