Japanese |
Title | 虚血性心疾患におけるDipyridamole負荷心筋シンチグラフィ - 運動負荷との対比 - |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 外山卓二*, 西村恒彦*, 植原敏勇*, 下永田剛*, 林田孝平*, 濱田星紀*, 広瀬義晃*, 伊藤彰**, 野々木宏**, 土師一夫** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *国立循環器病センター放射線診療部, **心臓内科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 29 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 193-201 |
Year/Month | 1992/2 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」Dipyridamole負荷心筋シンチグラフィ(DIP-Tl)と運動負荷心筋シンチグラフィ(Ex-Tl)における虚血の検出能と虚血の出現程度について比較検討した. 対象は狭心症例58例で, Ex-Tlを施行した36例(1群)とDIP-Tlを施行した22例(2a群:低運動負荷併用群15例, 2b群:非併用群7例)である. それぞれに正常例41例, 27例, 31例を対照とした. 虚血の検出率には1群と2群に有意差はなかった(感度86%vs.85%, 特異度95%vs.80%). 正常例における1群, 2a群, 2b群の平均洗い出し率(50.6%vs.48.8%vs.44.4%)と心筋/バックグラウンド比(4.7vs.4.9vs.4.3)は2b群が有意に低値を示した. 狭心症例の虚血部における洗い出し率, 心筋/バックグラウンド比, 初期摂取率(%), 後期摂取率(%)は3群間に有意な差はなかった. 以上よりDIP-TlとEx-Tlにおける虚血の検出能と虚血の出現程度には差がなかった. しかし正常例の検討から2b群ではバックグラウンドの集積がやや高く画像がやや不鮮明になる可能性が示唆され, Dipyridamole負荷に低運動負荷を併用することがより有用であると考えられた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Ischemic heart disease, Dipyridamole, Washout rate, Myocardial/background ratio, % uptake. |
English |
Title | Thallium-201 Scintigraphy after Dipyridamole Infusion in Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease - Comparison with Maximal Exercise - |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Takuji TOYAMA*, Tsunehiko NISHIMURA*, Toshiisa UEHARA*, Tsuyoshi SHIMONAGATA*, Kohei HAYASHIDA*, Seiki HAMADA*, Yoshiaki HIROSE*, Akira ITOH**, Hiroshi NONOGI**, Kazuo HAZE** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Department of Radiology, **Department of Cardiology, National Cardiovascular Center |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 29 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 193-201 |
Year/Month | 1992/2 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary]Myocardial images after dipyridamole infusion (DIP-Tl) were compared with maximal thallium-201 images (Ex-Tl) to determine the utility for de-tecting coronary artery disease and the ischemic level in ischemic regions. Ex-Tl was performed in 36 patients of angina pectoris (Group 1), and DIP-Tl was performed in 22 patients of angina pectoris (Group 2), who were divided into two groups (Group 2a: 15 patients with low level exercise, Group 2b: 7 patients without low level exercise). Each group had normal controls (41, 27 and 31 people). The detectability of coronary artery by DIP-Tl was almost same with Ex-Tl (sensitivity 85 % vs. 86%, specificity 80% vs. 95%). In the case of normal controls, the mean wash-out rate of group 2b was 44.4%, which was less than other two groups (50.6% for group 1, 48.8 for group 2a). And the mean myocardial/back-ground (M/B) ratio of group 2b was 4.3 less than other two groups (4.7 for group 1, 4.9 for group 2a). In the case of the patients of angina pectoris, washout rate, M/B ratio, initial % uptake and delayed % uptake in the ischemic region were almost same among the 3 groups. This study demonstrates that DIP-Tl is as effective as Ex-Tl, and the ischemic level in the ischemic region is almost same among the 3 groups. But the thallium accumulation in the background of the group 2b is slightly higher than other two groups in the normal controls, so it is suggested that the image after only dipyridamole infusion becomes slightly unclear. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Ischemic heart disease, Dipyridamole, Washout rate, Myocardial/background ratio, % uptake. |