Title新しい肝機能イメージング剤99mTc-GSAの第3相臨床試験 ‐ 多施設による検討 -
Authors鳥塚莞爾*1, 河相吉*2, 工藤正俊*4, 久保田佳嗣*3, 山本和高*6, 伊藤和夫*7, 永尾一彦*7, 内山暁*8, 小泉潔*8, 佐々木康人*9, 小坂昇*9, 村田啓*10, 村島直哉*11, 小須田茂*12, 鈴木謙三*12, 石井勝己*13, 石井公道*14, 今枝孟義*15, 兼松雅之*15, 中村和義*16, 中川毅*16, 久田欣一*17, 油野民雄*17, 中島鉄夫*18, 石井靖*18, 森田陸司*19, 鈴木輝康*19, 久保聡一*20, 小西淳二*20, 大石元*21, 今井照彦*21, 田中敬正*2, 北川真一*3, 井上恭一*3, 柏木徹*22, 小塚隆弘*22, 塩見進*23, 越智宏暢*24, 長谷川義尚*25, 佐々木洋*26, 池窪勝治*5, 日野恵*5, 新屋晴孝*27, 平木祥夫*27, 田邉正忠*28, 川崎幸子*28, 津田孝治*29, 濱本研*29, 増田康治*30, 一矢有一*30
Organization*1福井医科大学, 関西医科大学, *2放射線科, *3第三内科, 神戸市立中央市民病院, *4消化器内科, *5核医学科, *6大阪赤十字病院RI室(現:福井医科大学放射線科), *7北海道大学核医学講座, *8山梨医科大学放射線科, *9東京大学放射線科, 虎の門病院, *10放射線科, *11消化器科, *12東京都立駒込病院放射線科, 北里大学, *13放射線科, *14内科, *15岐阜大学放射線科, *16三重大学放射線科, *17金沢大学核医学科, *18福井医科大学放射線科, *19滋賀医科大学放射線科, *20京都大学核医学科, *21奈良県立医科大学腫瘍放射線科, *22大阪大学中央放射線部, 大阪市立大学, *23第三内科, *24核医学研究室, 大阪府立成人病センター, *25アイソトープ科, *26外科, *27岡山大学放射線科, *28香川医科大学放射線科, *29愛媛大学放射線科, *30九州大学放射線科
Abstract「要旨」肝疾患患者を対象に, 肝細胞のアシアロ糖蛋白受容体に結合する新しい肝機能診断用放射性医薬品99mTc-GSAの有用性について, 多施設による検討を行った. 99mTc-GSAを静注後, 20分間のデータ収集を行い, 肝シンチグラムを得た. 心臓および肝臓のカウント比から求めた99mTc-GSAの血中消失指標と肝集積指標は, (1)急性肝疾患では臨床像とよく一致し, 血液凝固系の指標と有意な相関を示した. (2)慢性肝疾患では肝障害の進行に伴って有意な変化を示し, 既存の肝機能検査とよく相関した. (3)閉塞性黄疸では黄疸により修飾されないと考えられた. (4)肝切除術前後では有意な変化を示した. 画像からは肝臓の機能と形態の両面を評価でき, 従来の肝シンチグラムとは異なる情報が得られた. 99mTc-GSAシンチグラフィは, 受容体を介した取り込みという新しい観点から肝臓の機能と形態を評価できる有用な検査法と考えられた.
KeywordsTechnetium-99m-DTPA-galactosyl human serum albumin (99mTc-GSA), Neoglycoprotein, Asialoglycoprotein receptor imaging, Liver function, Liver diseases.
TitlePhase III Multi-center Clinical Study on 99mTc-GSA, a New Agent for Functional Imaging of the Liver
SubtitleOriginal Articles
AuthorsKanji TORIZUKA*1, Sang Kil Ha-KAWA*2, Masatoshi KUDO*4, Yoshitsugu KUBOTA*3, Kazutaka YAMAMOTO*6, Kazuo ITOH*7, Kazuhiko NAGAO*7, Guio UCHIYAMA*8, Kiyoshi KOIZUMI*8, Yasuhito SASAKI*9, Noboru KOSAKA*9, Hajime MURATA*10, Naoya MURASHIMA*11, Shigeru KOSUDA*12, Kenzo SUZUKI*12, Katsumi ISHII*13, Koudo ISHII*14, Takeyoshi IMAEDA*15, Masayuki KANEMATSU*15, Kazuyoshi NAKAMURA*16, Tsuyoshi NAKAGAWA*16, Kin-ichi HISADA*17, Tamio ABURANO*17, Tetsuo NAKAJIMA*18, Yasushi ISHII*18, Rikushi MORITA*19, Teruyasu SUZUKI*19, Soichi KUBO*20, Junji KONISHI*20, Hajime OHISHI*21, Teruhiko IMAI*21, Yoshimasa TANAKA*2, Shin-ichi KITAGAWA*3, Kyoichi INOUE*3, Toru KASHIWAGI*22, Takahiro KOZUKA*22, Susumu SHIOMI*23, Hironobu OCHI*24, Yoshihisa HASEGAWA*25, Yo SASAKI*26, Katsuji IKEKUBO*5, Megumu HINO*5, Harutaka NIIYA*27, Yoshio HIRAKI*27, Masatada TANABE*28, Yukiko KAWASAKI*28, Takaharu TSUDA*29, Ken HAMAMOTO*29, Kouji MASUDA*30, Yuichi ICHIYA*30
Organization*1Fukui Medical School., *2Department of Radiology, *3Third Department of Internal Medicine, Kansai Medical University., *4Department of Internal Medicine, *5Department of Nuclear Medicine, Kobe City General Hospital., *6Department of Clinical Laboratory, Osaka Red Cross Hospital., *7Department of Nuclear Medicine, Hokkaido University, School of Medicine, *8Department of Radiology, Yamanashi Medical College., *9Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo., *10Division of Nuclear Medicine, *11Department of Gastroenterology, Toranomon Hospital., *12Department of Radiology, Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital., *13Department of Radiology,, *14Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Kitasato University, *15Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, Gifu University., *16Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, Mie University., *17Department of Nuclear Medicine, School of Medicine, Kanazawa University., *18Department of Radiology, Fukui Medical School., *19Department of Radiology, Shiga University of Medicine., *20Department of Nuclear Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University., *21Department of Oncoradiology, Nara Medical University., *22Central Clinic of Radiology, Osaka University Hospital., *23Third Department of Internal Medicine, *24Division of Nuclear Medicine, Osaka City University, Medical School., *25Department of Nuclear Medicine, *26Department of Surgery, The Center for Adult Disease., *27Department of Radiology, Okayama University, Medical School., *28Department of Radiology, Kagawa Medical School., *29Department of Radiology, Ehime University, School of Medicine., *30Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University
JournalThe Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine
ArticleOriginal article
Abstract[Summary]A multi-center clinical study was performed in patients with hepatic disorders to evaluate the clinical usefulness of 99mTc-DTPA-galactosyl serum albumin (99mTc-GSA), a new radiopharmaceutical which binds to asialoglycoprotein receptors on hepatocytes. The blood clearance and hepatic accumulation were evaluated on the basis of the dynamic data and serial hepatic images obtained for 20 min after 99mTc-GSA injection. The blood clearance and hepatic accumulation indices of 99mTc-GSA demonstrated the followings. 1) In acute liver diseases, these indices reflected the clinical features of the disease and correlated with the laboratory test indices for the blood coagula-tion system. 2) In chronic liver diseases, these indices changed in direct proportion to the progres-sion of the hepatic disorder and correlated well with the conventional laboratory test results. 3) In obstructive jaundice, these indices aided evaluation of the liver function despite the high serum bilirubin level. 4) The indices reflected the change in the number of hepatocytes before and after hepatectomy. The scintigraphic findings with 99mTc-GSA permitted both functional and morphological evaluations of the liver and provide additional information compared with conventional liver scintigraphy. These results suggest that 99mTc-GSA scintigraphy may be useful for evaluating both the function and morphology of the liver from a new viewpoint of receptor-mediated accumulation.
PracticeClinical medicine
KeywordsTechnetium-99m-DTPA-galactosyl human serum albumin (99mTc-GSA), Neoglycoprotein, Asialoglycoprotein receptor imaging, Liver function, Liver diseases.
