Japanese |
Title | RIA-gnost PIIIP coated tubeを用いた血清type III procollagen aminopeptideの測定 - 各種アルコール性肝疾患患者の断酒後の変動 - |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 丸山勝也*, 岡崎勲**, 高木俊和*, 高橋久雄*, 奥山啓二*, 堀江義則*, 高木敏*, 河野裕明*, 佐藤慎吉***, 石井裕正****, 土屋雅春**** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *国立療養所久里浜病院臨床研究部, **東海大学医学部衛生公衆衛生, ***第一病理, ****慶應義塾大学医学部消化器内科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 29 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 151-157 |
Year/Month | 1992/2 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」肝生検を施行した各種アルコール性肝疾患患者55例について, 入院時, 肝生検時(入院2〜4週間後), 退院時(入院3か月後)の血清type III procollagen aminopeptide(PIIIP)を最近ヘキスト社より市販されたRIA-gnost PIIIP coated tubeによる測定キットにて測定した. 入院時の血清PIIIP値は, 肝における線維化の程度と良好な相関を示し, またいずれの疾患群においても健常対照群に比し有意な高値を示し, 肝線維化の目安として有用であることが示唆された. しかし断酒後の血清PIIIP値は, アルコール性肝炎を除くいずれの疾患群も次第に上昇する傾向がみられ, 各種臨床検査成績との相関においても, 入院時に比し有意でなくなった. 断酒後にみられるPIIIP値の上昇は, 肝におけるコラーゲン合成以外の因子の関与が想定され, この面よりさらに検討が必要と思われた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Type III procollagen aminopeptide, Alcoholic liver disease, IRMA-RIA-gnost PIIIP kit, Serum fibrogenic marker, Liver fibrosis. |
English |
Title | Measurement of Serum Type III Procollagen Aminopeptide with RIA-gnost PIIIP Coated Tube : Changes in Patients with Various Alcoholic Liver Diseases after Abstinence |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Katsuya MARUYAMA*, Isao OKAZAKI**, Toshikazu TAKAGI*, Hisao TAKAHASHI*, Keiji OKUYAMA*, Yoshinori HORIE*, Satoshi TAKAGI*, Hiroaki KOHNO*, Shinkichi SATO***, Hiromasa ISHII****, Masaharu TSUCHIYA**** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Clinical Research Unit, Kurihama National Hospital, **Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, School of Medicine, Tokai University, ***Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, Tokai University, ****Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Keio University |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 29 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 151-157 |
Year/Month | 1992/2 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary]In 55 patients with various alcoholic liver diseases, serum type III procollagen aminopeptide (PIIIP) was measured on admission, on biopsy (2-4 weeks after admission) and on discharge from hospital (3 months after admission) using RIA-gnost PIIIP Coated Tube, an assay kit recently launched by Hoechst Japan Limited. Serum PIIIP on admission showed a good correlation with the degree of hepatic fibrosis and was significantly higher in any disease group than in healthy controls, suggesting its usefulness as an indicator of hepatic fibrosis. After abstinence, however, serum PIIIP level exhibited an increasing tendency in all the disease groups except alcoholic hepatitis, and the number of laboratory tests showing a significant correlation with PIIIP decreased as compared with that on admission. The mechanism of serum PIIIP elevations seen after abstinence is yet to be elucidated in detail, con-sidering their possible association with factors other than collagen synthesis in the liver. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Type III procollagen aminopeptide, Alcoholic liver disease, IRMA-RIA-gnost PIIIP kit, Serum fibrogenic marker, Liver fibrosis. |