Japanese |
Title | 橈骨動脈圧とシングルプローブ法を用いた非観血的左室駆出期圧-容積関係の推定の試み |
Subtitle | 研究速報 |
Authors | 弘瀬哲*, 井出満*, 五島雄一郎*, 鈴木豊** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *東海大学医学部第一内科, **放射線科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 28 |
Number | 10 |
Page | 1181-1185 |
Year/Month | 1991/10 |
Article | 報告 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」左室圧-容積曲線は, 左室機能を評価する上で有用であるが, 左室圧を得るには観血的方法が必要不可欠である. しかしながら, 左室駆出期には, 左室圧は, 大動脈圧, 橈骨動脈圧に, ある程度近似できると仮定し, 簡便かつ非観血的に左室駆出期圧-容積関係を評価しうる新しい装置を開発した. 左室容積はシングルプローブ法による心電図同期式RI心室造影法を使用し, データは10msecごとに収集し, 同時に橈骨動脈圧はトノメトリ法により10msecごとに測定した. 得られたデータは, RS-232cケーブルを介してパーソナルコンピュータに送信し, 左室駆出期の圧-容積曲線を作成した. この曲線からはEmaxが得られるほか, 新しい左室機能の指標としてEjection rate of change of power(ERCP)が算出可能である. この新しい装置により得られた各種左室機能指標は, 薬剤などの心負荷時における心機能の評価に応用が期待できると考えられる. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Radionuclide ventriculography, Single cardiac probe system, Tonometry method, Pressure-volume diagram, Ejection rate of change of power (ERCP). |
English |
Title | Non-Invasive Assessment of the Left Ventricular Pressure to Volume Relationships during Ejection Period Using a Single Cardiac Probe System and Tonometric Measurement of Radial Arterial Pressure |
Subtitle | |
Authors | Satoru HIROSE*, Michiru IDE*, Yuichiro GOTO*, Yutaka SUZUKI** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *First Department of Internal Medicine, **Department of Radiology, Tokai University, School of Medicine |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 28 |
Number | 10 |
Page | 1181-1185 |
Year/Month | 1991/10 |
Article | Report |
Abstract | [Summary]The left ventricular (LV) pressure to volume relationships are very sensitive parameters for the evaluation of the LV function. For measurement of LV pressure in an entire cardiac cycle, an invasive method is always needed. However, on the assumption that the LV pressure is similar to that of aorta and radial artery during ejection period, we have developed a new system for simple and non-invasive assessment of the LV pressure to volume relationships. The LV volume is estimated by ECG-gated radionuclide ventriculography using a single cardiac probe system and the data were collected every 10 msec. The radial arterial pressure was measured simultaneously every 10 msec by a tonometry system. These data were trans-ferred to the personal computer through RS-232c cable. Then the pressure to volume curves during ejection phase was generated automatically. Emax was calculated from these curves. Moreover, the new parameter called the ejection rate of change of power (ERCP) can be calculated. These parameters are very useful for the evaluation of the effect of the drugs on the LV performance. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Radionuclide ventriculography, Single cardiac probe system, Tonometry method, Pressure-volume diagram, Ejection rate of change of power (ERCP). |