Japanese |
Title | N-13アンモニアダイナミックポジトロンCTを用いた局所心筋血流量の計測 - 理論と方法 |
Subtitle | 《原著》 |
Authors | 遠藤真広*, 吉田勝哉**, 氷見寿治**, 加賀谷秋彦**, 福田寛***, 飯沼武***, 山崎統四郎***, 舘野之男***, 増田善昭**, 稲垣義明** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *放射線医学総合研究所・医用重粒子線研究部, **千葉大学医学部・第三内科, ***放射線医学総合研究所・臨床研究部 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 27 |
Number | 10 |
Page | 1135-1140 |
Year/Month | 1990/10 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」N-13アンモニアダイナミックポジトロンCTを施行した際の心筋および左心房の時間放射能曲線を用いて, 局所心筋血流量(RMBF)を非侵襲的に計測する方法を開発し, 初回循環法と名付けた. 本方法の妥当性を検討するため心筋の著明に肥厚した肥大型心筋症5例に対し, 本方法とコンパートメント解析によるRMBFを比較した. ここで, 心筋の厚い症例を対象とした理由は, 部分容積効果や放射能の混じりを最小とするためである. 生理的範囲の血流量(50〜100ml/min/100g)では両者のRMBFはほぼ一致し, 本方法により肥大型心筋症の生理的範囲の血流量は測定可能であることがいえた. より大きい血流量やより薄い心筋厚に対して本方法を拡張する方針についても考察した. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Regional myocardial blood flow, First-pass flow model, N-13 ammonia, Dynamic positron emission tomography. |
English |
Title | Measurement of Myocardial Blood Flow Using N-13 Ammonia Dynamic PET-Theory and Methodology |
Subtitle | - Original Articles - |
Authors | Masahiro ENDO*, Katsuya YOSHIDA**, Toshiharu HIMI**, Akihiko KAGAYA**, Hiroshi FUKUDA***, Takeshi IINUMA***, Toshiro YAMASAKI***, Yukio TATENO***, Yoshiaki MASUDA**, Yoshiaki INAGAKI*** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Division of Accelerator Research, National Institute of Radiological Sciences, **The Third Department of Internal of Medicine, Chiba University School of Medicine, ***Division of Clinical Research, National Institute of Radiological Sciences |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 27 |
Number | 10 |
Page | 1135-1140 |
Year/Month | 1990/10 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | Positron emission tomography (PET) offers the potential capability of noninvasive measurement of regional myocardial blood flow (RMBF) in man. Because N-13 ammonia exhibits properties which to some extent resemble those of the radioactive microsphere, we developed a first-pass flow method for noninvasive measurement of RMBF. In the present method, RMBF was determined by dividing myocardial activity at time T by arterial input integraled from the injection start to that time, where time T is the endpoint of first circulation of N-13 ammonia. Also in the present method a time-activity curve of left atrium was used as the arterial input function to make the procedure totally noninvasive. To validate the present method, we compered it with the compartment analysis. 5 patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopsthy (HCM) and with a considerably thickened ventricular wall, were selected for the comparison between the first-pass flow method and the compartment analysis. The relationship of RMBFs by the two methods was y=1.8+1.097x-0.002037x2 (n=30, SEE=5.5), where x (ml/min/100g) was obtained by the compartment analysis, while y (ml/min/100 g) by the first-pass flow method. The result indicated that both were almost indentical in physiological flow range (<100 ml/min/100 g), but that the first-pass flow method understimated RMBF in the higher flow range due to venous leakage of N-13 ammonia. As the conclusion, we could at least measure RMBF of HCM patient in the physiological flow range by the present method. The future extension of the method was discussed. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Regional myocardial blood flow, First-pass flow model, N-13 ammonia, Dynamic positron emission tomography. |