Japanese |
Title | 膠原病および類縁疾患における肺換気・血流スキャン |
Subtitle | 《原著》 |
Authors | 小須田茂*, 塩山靖和*, 鎌田憲子*, 秋田佐喜子*, 目崎高志*, 川上亮二*, 鈴木謙三* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *都立駒込病院放射線診療科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 27 |
Number | 8 |
Page | 841-844 |
Year/Month | 1990/8 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」膠原病および類縁疾患を有する32例に対し, 133Xeガスと99mTc-MAAを用いて換気・血流スキャンを施行し, V, Q分布および133Xe減衰曲線より平均通過時間(MTT)を求めた. 32例中17例は胸部X線写真正常例であったが, V, Q異常がそれぞれ59%, 82%認められた. 全体的にVよりQがより強く障害をうけているという結果が得られ, 肺胞, 気道病変よりも毛細血管病変がより強いことを示唆していると思われた. 間質性肺炎とMTTの関係では一定の傾向はみられなかった. 本法を2回施行しえた5症例のうち, 3例は肺病変の進行とともにMTTも延長した. 膠原病肺ではA-CブロックやQ異常の他に気道閉塞を伴う症例があると思われた. %DLcoが低値を示すにつれて, V, Q異常は進行する傾向がみられたが, 例外もみられ, %DLcoが肺の全体機能を把えているのに対し, V, Qイメージはそれぞれ肺局所の機能異常を示しているためと思われた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | collagen disease, ventilation scan perfusion scan, 133Xe, 99mTc-MAA. |
English |
Title | Usefulness of Ventilation and Perfusion Scans in Patients with Collagen-Vascular Diseases |
Subtitle | - Original Articles - |
Authors | Shigeru KOSUDA, Yasukazu SHIOYAMA, Noriko KAMATA, Sakiko AKITA, Takashi MEZAKI, Ryoji KAWAKAMI, Kenzo SUZUKI |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | Department of Radiology, Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 27 |
Number | 8 |
Page | 841-844 |
Year/Month | 1990/8 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | We studied 32 patients with collagen-vascular diseases with Xe-133 ventilation scans (V) and Tc-99m MAA perfusions cans (Q). Five patients of them underwent the sequential studies at intervals of more than 3 months. Mean transit time (MTT) was calculated from the Xe-133 wash-out curve. V, Q images and MTT were compared with chest X-ray films and the values of %DLco. Of 32 patients, 17 had no abnormal finding on the chest X-ray films. Of the 17 patients, however, V and/or Q abnormalities were found in 10 (59%), 14 patients (82%), respectively. Every patient with abnormal findings on the chest X-ray film showed both V and Q abnormalities. Overall, Q abnormality was more frequent and severer than V one. Of the 5 patients with the sequential studies, 3 showed prolongation of MTT in concordance with deterioration of pulmonary fibrosis. V and Q abnormalities were not necessarily relevant to %DLco. In conclusion, ventilation and perfusion studies are useful in assessing the regional pulmonary function in patients with collagen-vascular diseases. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | collagen disease, ventilation scan perfusion scan, 133Xe, 99mTc-MAA. |