Japanese |
Title | タリウム心筋SPECTにおける放射状長軸断層法 (radial SPECT) の開発 : 運動負荷 / 再分布心筋シンチグラフィへの応用 |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 石田良雄*, 谷明博*, 両角隆一*, 松原昇*, 堀正二*, 北畠顕*, 鎌田武信*, 中村幸夫**, 小塚隆弘**, 木村和文**, 丸山隆利***, 大家康秀*** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *大阪大学医学部第一内科, **中央放射線部, ***日立メディコ |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 26 |
Number | 10 |
Page | 1267-1277 |
Year/Month | 1989/10 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」 タリウム心筋SPECTの長軸断層法の新しい方法として, 短軸像の中心をもとに設定した6度間隔の放射状の直線と左室中心軸で決まる長軸断面像の再構成法を開発した (放射状長軸断層法, radial SPECT) . 画像データの極座標変換による処理の高速化を図り, また, 長軸断面像のタリウム分布の定量的解析のための新しいprofile analysisを確立した. 心臓ファントムによる検討から, 心尖部虚血の診断における本法の有用性が示された. また, 運動負荷/再分布心筋イメージングに以上の方法を適用し, 冠動脈病変の検出における本法の意義を検討した. この結果, radial SPECTは, 心尖部虚血の検出精度の向上および虚血領域の長軸方向への広がりの判定能力の向上により, 従来の方法に比べ高い検出精度を持つことが示された. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Tl-201 myocardial SPECT, Long-axis tomography, Exercise/redistribution study, Effort angina |
English |
Title | Radial Long-Axis Tomography : A New Reconstructing Algorithm for Thallium-201 Myocardial SPECT |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Yoshio ISHIDA*, Akihiro TANI*, Ryuichi MOROZUMI*, Noboru MATSUBARA*, Masatsugu HORI*, Akira KITABATAKE*, Takenobu KAMADA*, Yukio NAKAMURA**, Takahiro KOZUKA**, Kazufumi KIMURA**, Takatoshi MARUYAMA***, Yasuhide OIE*** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *The First Department of Medicine, **Division of Nuclear Medicine, Osaka University Medical School, ***Hitachi Medical Corporation |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 26 |
Number | 10 |
Page | 1267-1277 |
Year/Month | 1989/10 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary] The long-axis (L-A) tomograms of the heart in thallium-201 SPECT have been conventionally reconstructed as those parallel to the midventricular vertical or horizontal L-A plane. We developed a new algorithm for reconstructing the rotated L-A tomograms around the L-A to longitudinally observe thallium-201 myocardial distribution and to provide an optimal view of the cardiac apex. After determining the orientation of the L-A and reconstructing the short-axis (S-A) tomograms using standard techniques, the coordinates of the S-A planes were transformed to the polar coordinates whose origin is located at the position of the L-A in each plane. Then, "radial L-A tomograms" , i.e. midventricular L-A planes oriented at the angle of every 6°to the midventricular horizontal L-A plane, were reconstructed. Also, we developed a new technique for analyzing thallium-201 distribution of the L-A tomograms. For the basal 2/3 regions, two profiles which consist of the pixels with maximum count on the upper and lower myocardial portions of the lines (spaced at 1 pitch) vertically to the L-A were computed. For the remaining apical 1/3 regions, the semi-circumferential maximum-count profile from the values of 30 radii spaced at 6°interval were computed. Based on these profiles, a 2D polar representation was then generated. From the study using a cardiac phantom with an apical small infarction, the usefulness of this new tomographic method for the detection of apical myocardial ischemia was demonstrated. The application to the exercise/redistribution studies in patients with effort angina indicated that radial long-axis tomography provides precise information about the longitudinal extent of perfusion defects, particularly in the apical regions. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Tl-201 myocardial SPECT, Long-axis tomography, Exercise/redistribution study, Effort angina |