Japanese |
Title | 201Tl運動負荷心筋シンチグラフィ時のタリウム灌流分布・負荷心電図所見と冠動脈造影所見との比較検討 |
Subtitle | ≪原著≫ |
Authors | 松尾剛志*,***, 西村恒彦*, 植原敏勇*, 林田孝平*, 千葉博*, 三谷勇雄*, 山上英利*, 住吉徹哉**, 土師一夫** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *国立循環器病センター放射線診療部, **心臓内科, ***現宮崎医科大学第一内科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 26 |
Number | 6 |
Page | 763-771 |
Year/Month | 1989/6 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」201Tl運動負荷心筋シンチグラフィにおけるTl灌流分布所見(Tl), 負荷心電図所見(ECG)と冠動脈造影所見の不一致例について詳細に比較検討した. 対象は283例であり, A群: Tl(+)・ECG(+), B群: Tl(+)・ECG(-), C群: Tl(-)・ECG(+), D群: Tl(-)・ECG(-)に分類した. Tlは視覚的診断によった. A群でも3%に正常冠動脈症例, D群でも38%に冠動脈狭窄症例(CAD)を認めた. B, C群では, 61%, 73%にCADを認めた. 正常冠動脈症例のTl偽陽性は, 正面像の下壁部(24%)またはLAO 45°像の中隔部(45%)のみの再分布が多かった. CAD症例群では, B群はSVD(62%), C群はTVD(26%), LMT(11%)の頻度が高かった. C, D群のTVD, LMT症例は, Tlの定量解析を併用することによりA, B群へと移行した(87%). LADのSVDのみについてみると, C群では90%以下の狭窄例が多く, 早期再分布がTl偽陰性に関与していることが示唆された. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Exercise thallium-201 scintigraphy, Exercise electrocardiography, Coronary angiography. |
English |
Title | Comparison of Thallium Perfusion and Electrocardiographic Findings at Exercise Thallium-201 Scintigraphy with Coronary Arteriographic Findings |
Subtitle | - Original Articles - |
Authors | Takeshi MATSUO, Tsunehiko NISHIMURA, Toshiisa UEHARA, Kohei HAYASHIDA, Hiroshi CHIBA, Isao MITANI, Hidetoshi YAMAGAMI, Tetsuya SUMIYOSHI, Kazuo HAZE |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | Department Radiology and Cardiology, National Cardiovascular Center |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 26 |
Number | 6 |
Page | 763-771 |
Year/Month | 1989/6 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary] Findings of thallium-201 perfusion (Tl) and exercise electrocardiography (ECG) at exercise thallium-201 scintigraphy was compared with coronary arteriographic findings (CAG) in 283 patients. We classified these cases into four groups by Tl and ECG; [A] Tl(+)・ECG(+),[B] Tl(+)・ECG(-), [C] Tl(-)・ECG(+), [D] Tl(-)・ECG (-).Redistribution of thallium-201 was evaluated by qualitative (visual) analysis. Three percent of group A consisted of the patients with normal coronary artery, and thirty-eight percent of group D consisted of the patients with coronary artery disease. On exercise thallium-201 scintigraphic imagings, most of patients with normal coronary artery showed redistribution of inferior (24%) and septum (45%). On exercise electrocardiographic findings, most of patients with normal coronary artery showed ST-segment depression in II, III, aVF, V5 and V6. In patients with coronary artery disease, single vessel disease in group B was larger than that in group C (62% vs.33%, p<0.05), and triple vessel disease and left main truncus disease in group C was larger than that in group B (37% vs.10%, p<0.05). On exercise thallium-201 scintigraphic imagings, most of false negative in patients with coronary artery disease changed to true positive by quantitative analysis. The patients with less than 90% coronary stenosis in group C was larger than that in group B (65% vs.100%). |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Exercise thallium-201 scintigraphy, Exercise electrocardiography, Coronary angiography. |