Japanese |
Title | 慢性肝疾患における肝血流シンチグラフィの意義 - 肝組織所見との対比 - |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 竹越國夫*, 瀬戸光**, 遠山龍彦*, 奥田洽爾*, 中沼安二*** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *高岡市民病院内科, **富山医科薬科大学放射線科, ***金沢大学医学部第二病理 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 26 |
Number | 4 |
Page | 499-505 |
Year/Month | 1989/4 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」 99mTc-Sn colloidによるRadionuclide angiographyを用いて, 門脈血成分/肝動脈血成分 + 門脈血成分比 (門脈血成分比) を測定し, 慢性肝疾患における臨床的意義を検討した. 健康成人および慢性肝疾患における門脈血成分比は, 健康成人74.5土7.3% (n = 8) , 慢性肝炎58.8土9.2% (n = 17) , 肝硬変38.7土18.4% (n = 23) であり, 後者ほど有意に低値であった. アルコール性肝疾患の門脈血成分比は52.7±23.7%とばらつきが大きく, また同疾患では, 病初期に門脈血成分比の低い例で1〜2か月後に同値が回復した. さらに肝組織所見との対比上, アルコール性肝疾患の門脈血成分比は, 肝線維化および肝細胞腫脹の程度と相関した. 以上, 本法は非侵襲的かつ簡便に肝血流分析が可能で, 慢性肝疾患, 特にアルコール性肝疾患の診断・病状経過の把握に有用である. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Radionuclide angiography, Hepatic scintiangiography, 99mTc-Sn colloid, Alcoholic liver diseases |
English |
Title | The Clinical Usefulness of Portal Venous Flow Ratio by Hepatic Angiography with 99mTc-Sn Colloid in Chronic Liver Diseases : A Comparison with Histological Finding |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Kunio TAKEGOSHI*, Hikaru SETO**, Tastuhiko TOHYAMA*, Kohji OKUDA*, Yasuni NAKANUMA*** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *The Depatment of Interinal Medicine, Takaoka City Hospital, **The Department of Radiology, Toyama Medical and Pharmacological University, ***The Second Department of Pathology, Kanazawa University |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 26 |
Number | 4 |
Page | 499-505 |
Year/Month | 1989/4 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary] The ratio of portal venous to hepatic blood flow was measured in chronic liver diseases by radionuclide angiography with 99mTc-Sn colloid and its clinical value was discussed. The ratio was proportionally decreased to the progression of the diseases (normal 74.5+-7.3%, chronic hepatitis 58.8+-9.2%, compensated liver cirrhosis 49.0+-10.4%, decompensated liver cirrhosis 29.3+-19.3%) . In alcoholic liver diseases, the standard deviation of the ratio was large as 52.7+-23.7%, and the low ratio in the early period of the disease increased within one or two months as the disease recovered. In comparison with the histological findings of the liver, the ratio in the alcoholic liver diseases was well correlated with the severity of liver fibrosis and liver cell swelling. In conclusion, this noninvasive and simple method is valuable in diagnosing the chronic liver disease, especially alcoholic liver diseases, and also in estimating its clinical course. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Radionuclide angiography, Hepatic scintiangiography, 99mTc-Sn colloid, Alcoholic liver diseases |