Title心・血管系イメージング用新放射性医薬品テクネチウムヒト血清アルブミンD (99mTc) 注射液の臨床的有用性の評価 - 多施設による検討 -
Authors鳥塚莞爾1,*, 玉木長良2,**,†, 米倉義晴2,**, 西澤貞彦2, 佐々木康人3,**, 井上登美夫3, 飯尾正宏4, 大嶽達4, 久保敦司5, 塚谷泰司5, 日下部きよ子6, 牧正子6, 森下健7, 河村康明7, 石井勝己8, 坂井文彦8, 松田博史9, 関宏恭9, 石井靖10, 中島鉄夫10, 鈴木輝康11, 山崎俊江11, 杉原洋樹12,**, 中川雅夫12, 越智宏暢13,**, 広田一仁13, 浜田辰巳14, 馬淵順久14, 西村恒彦15,**, 林田孝平15, 成田充啓16,**, 宇佐美暢久16, 國重宏17, 片平敏雄17, 福地稔18,**, 石村順治18, 池窪勝治19, 日野恵19, 大塚信昭20, 森田陸司20, 山田雅文21, 濱本研21
Organization1福井医科大学, 2京都大学核医学科, 3群馬大学核医学講座, 4東京大学放射線科, 5慶応義塾大学放射線科, 6東京女子医科大学放射線科, 7東邦大学第一内科, 8北里大学放射線科・内科, 9金沢大学核医学科, 10福井医科大学放射線科, 11滋賀医科大学放射線科, 12京都府立医科大学第二内科, 13大阪市立大学第一内科・核医学研究室, 14近畿大学放射線科, 15国立循環器病センター放射線診療部, 16住友病院内科, 17松下記念病院第三内科, 18兵庫医科大学核医学科, 19神戸市立中央市民病院核医学科, 20川崎医科大学核医学科, 21愛媛大学放射線科, *治験総括医師, **検討委員会委員, †論文執筆者
Abstract「要旨」 新しい血液プールイメージング剤であるテクネチウムヒト血清アルブミンD(99mTc)注射液の心疾患, 大血管病変, 末梢循環障害および脳疾患における臨床的有用性について, 多施設による検討を行った. 本試験の対象となった417例のうち除外例を除く404例について本剤の有効性を解析した. 施設担当医師の判定(担当医判定)による本検査の有病正診率は71%(219/307)であった. 読影判定を客観的に行うために組織された委員会による局在病変の有無に関する判定は, 73%(296/403)の例で担当医判定とおおむね一致した. 他の血液プールイメージング剤と心プール像の画質を比較すると, 本剤の画質は99mTc-HSAキットより優れる傾向がみられ, 99mTc-RBCとは同程度であった. 本剤を用いた検査の有用性は全体の99%(400/404)の症例において認められた. 本剤は1回の静注で良好な画像と有効な情報が得られ, 心・脳・血管系の核医学検査に有用な放射性医薬品であると考えられた.
KeywordsTechnetium-99m DTPA-human serum albumin, Heart diseases, Large vessel diseases, Peripheral circulation disorders, Brain diseases
TitleA Multi-Center Clinical Trial on 99mTc-DTPA-HSA, a New Radiopharmaceutical for Cardiovascular System Imaging
AuthorsKanji TORIZUKA1, Nagara TAMAKI2, Yoshiharu YONEKURA2, Sadahiko NISHIZAWA2, Yasuto SASAKI3, Tomio INOUE3, Masahiro IIO4, Tohru OHTAKE4, Atsushi KUBO5, Yasushi TSUKATANI5, Kiyoko KUSAKABE6, Masako MAKI6, Takeshi MORISHITA7, Yasuaki KAWAMURA7, Katsumi ISHII8, Fumihiko SAKAI8, Hiroshi MATSUDA9, Hiroyasu SEKI9, Yasushi ISHII10, Tetsuo NAKASHIMA10, Teruyasu SUZUKI11, Toshie YAMASAKI11, Hiroki SUGIHARA12, Masao NAKAGAWA12, Hironobu OCHI13, Kazuyoshi HIROTA13, Tatsumi HAMADA14, Nobuhisa MABUCHI14, Tsunehiko NISHIMURA15, Kohei HAYASHIDA15, Michihiro NARITA16, Masahisa USAMI16, Hiroshi KUNISHIGE17, Toshio KATAHIRA17, Minoru FUKUCHI18, Junji ISHIMURA18, Katsuji IKEKUBO19, Megumu HINO19, Nobuaki OTSUKA20, Rikushi MORITA20, Masafumi YAMADA21, Ken HAMAMOTO21
Organization1Fukui Medical School, 2Department of Nuclear Medicine, Kyoto University, School of Medicine, 3Department of Nuclear Medicine, Gunma University, School of Medicine, 4Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo, 5Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, Keio University, 6Department of Radiology, Tokyo Women's Medical College, 7First Department of Internal Medicine, Toho University, School of Medicine, 8Department of Radiology and Department of Internal Medicine, Kitasato University, School of Medicine, 9Department of Nuclear Medicine, School of Medicine, Kanazawa University, 10Department of Radiology, Fukui Medical School, 11Department of Radiology, Shiga University of Medical Science, 12Second Department of Internal Medicine, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, 13Department of First Internal Medicine and Division of Nuclear Medicine, Osaka City University, School of Medicine, 14Department of Radiology, Kinki University, School of Medicine, 15Department of Radiology, National Cardiovascular Center, 16Department of Internal Medicine, Sumitomo Hospital, 17Third Department of Internal Medicine, Matsushita Memorial Hospital, 18Department of Nuclear Medicine, Hyogo College of Medicine, 19Division of Nuclear Medicine, Kobe City General Hospital, 20Division of Nuclear Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School, 21Department of Radiology, Ehime University, School of Medicine
JournalThe Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine
ArticleOriginal article
Abstract[Summary] A multi-center clinical trial on technetium-99m-DTPA-human serum albumin (99mTc-DTPA-HSA), a new radiopharmaceutical for cardiovascular system imaging, was carried out in 417 patients with heart diseases, large vessel diseases, peripheral circulation disorders, brain diseases and others. The sensitivity of 99mTc-DTPA-HSA scintigraphy judged by investigators was 71%(219/307). The scintigraphic findings objectively judged by the committee agreed with the evaluation of each investigator in 73% of the total cases. In comparison with other blood pool imaging agents, the image quality with 99mTc-DTPA-HSA tended to be superior to that with 99mTc-HSA(p<0.1) and be comparable to that with 99mTc-RBC. 99mTc-DTPA-HSA was judged to be useful in 99% of the cases by the investigators. It is surmised that 99mTc-DTPA-HSA is a useful radiopharmaceutical for cardiovascular system imaging with only a single injection.
PracticeClinical medicine
KeywordsTechnetium-99m DTPA-human serum albumin, Heart diseases, Large vessel diseases, Peripheral circulation disorders, Brain diseases
