Japanese |
Title | 左室収縮の左房充満への関与について - 心プール法による臨床的研究 - |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 藤井薫*, 尾崎正治*, 山岸隆*, 石根顕史*, 松村和彦*, 古谷雄司*, 長野裕之*, 山本浩造*, 楠川禮造* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *山口大学医学部第二内科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 25 |
Number | 10 |
Page | 1081-1088 |
Year/Month | 1988/10 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」健常群17例, 逆流性およびシャント疾患を除いた各種心疾患群40例を対象に心プール検査および心エコー検査を実施し, 左室収縮の左房充満への関与について検討した. 左室拡張末期像において左室・左房に関心領域を設定しそれらの領域のTime-activity curve(TAC)とその一次微分曲線を求め, 左室収縮期の左室最大駆出率(LVs-PER)と左房最大充満率(LAf-PFR)を算出した. LAf-PFRは, 左房のTACの一次微分曲線の陽性の最大値とした. LVs-PERとLAf-PFRの時相は, 全例においてほぼ一致していた(131±22 msec(mean±SD) vs. 140±35 msec, NS). 心エコー検査にて左室拡張末期径と左房径より左室拡張末期容積(LVEDV)と左房最大容積(LAV)を算出し, 左室収縮期容積最大変化量(LVs-max dV/dt)と左房充満期容積最大変化量(LAf-max dV/dt)を次式により求めた. LVs-max dV/dt(ml/sec)=LVs-PER×LVEDV LAf-max dV/dt(ml/sec)=LAf-PFR×LAV 左室収縮機能特性の指標であるLVs-max dV/dtと左房充満機能指標であるLAf-max dV/dtとの間には有意な正の相関(r=0.57, p<0.001)がみられた. これは, 左室収縮が強いほど左房充満が大きいことを意味する. また, Strunkら, Akgunらは左室収縮により左房は下方および前方に牽引されると報告している. 以上の結果より左室収縮が左房充満に関与していることが示唆された. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Left atrial filling, Left ventricular systolic function, Atrioventricular interaction. |
English |
Title | Effect of Left Ventricular Systolic Function on Left Atrial Filling - Clinical Study Using Radionuclide Angiography - |
Subtitle | |
Authors | Kaoru FUJII, Masaharu OZAKI, Takashi YAMAGISHI, Kenji ISHINE, Kazuhiko MATSUMURA, Yuji FURUTANI, Hiroyuki NAGANO, Kouzo YAMAMOTO, Reizo KUSUKAWA |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | Second Department of Internal Medicine, Yamaguchi University School of Medicine |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 25 |
Number | 10 |
Page | 1081-1088 |
Year/Month | 1988/10 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | The effect of left ventricular (LV) systolic function on left atrial (LA) filling was studied using radionuclide angiography (RNA) and echocardiography in 17 normal subjects and in 40 patients with various heart disease who had no regurgitant or shunt flow. The LV and LA time-activity curves (TAC) and these first-derivative curves were derived from RNA. The peak rate of LA filling during the atrial filling phase was normalized to the LA maximal counts and was defined as the LA peak filling rate (LAf-PFR). In all patients and normal subjects, the LV peak ejection rate (LVs-PER) occurred at a time close to that of LAf-PFR (131+-22 msec(mean+-SD) vs. 140+-35 msec, NS). With use of the following equations, the peak rates of the LV emptying or LA filling determined by the RNA were converted from counts/sec to ml/sec by equating the echocardiographically-derived LV end-diastolic volume or LA maximal volume to the LV end-diastolic counts or the LA maximal counts, respectively. LVs-max dV/dt(ml/sec)=LVs-PER×(LV end-diastolic volume) LAf-max dV/dt(ml/sec)=LAf-PFR×(LA maximal volume) There was a significant positive correlation between the LVs-max dV/dt, an index of LV systolic function, and the LAf-max dV/dt, an index of LA filling function (r=0.57, p<0.001) in all patients and normal subjects. This indicates that the LA peak filling rate increases progressively as the LV peak ejection rate. Thus, these results suggest that the LA filling might be affected by the LV systolic function. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Left atrial filling, Left ventricular systolic function, Atrioventricular interaction. |