Japanese |
Title | 限局性肺疾患における経時的123I-IMP肺イメージングの検討 |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 中條政敬*,†, 島田受理夫*, 下園美千子*, 内山典明**, 平木嘉幸**, 篠原慎治** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *国立療養所南九州病院放射線科, **鹿児島大学医学部放射線科, †現;鹿児島大学医学部放射線科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 25 |
Number | 5 |
Page | 441-450 |
Year/Month | 1988/5 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」限局性肺疾患65例 (肺炎12, 化膿症1, 結核5, 塵肺3, ジストマ1, 種々の組織型の原発性肺癌43) に経時的123I-IMP肺スキャンを施行した. 1〜2分目初期像は95% (65/70) で病変部が99mTc-MAA像と類似し, 97% (68/70) で病変部が集積低下を示し, 主に相対的肺動脈血流の反映が示唆された. 30分, 4時間目には病変により異なった集積を示した. 化膿症空洞 (1/1) , 結核結節 (2/2) , 塵肺塊状影 (3/7) , 癌病巣 (42/42) は常に集積低下を示した. 一方その他の非癌例の主に浸潤影を呈する25病変中24は経時的に集積は増加し, 4時間目には23病変が明瞭となった. 44癌周囲部のうち30分目では18, 4時間目には32に高度集積がみられ, 8無気肺病変も4時間目で全て明瞭となった. これら癌周囲の高度集積は癌に伴う肺炎や無気肺といった二次性変化を示唆した. したがって123I-IMPは肺の浸潤性病変や無気肺には異常集積し, 空洞や乾酪巣, 癌などの置換性病変には集積しないと考えられた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | 123I-IMP, 99mTc-MAA, Pneumonia, Atelectasis, Primary lung cancer. |
English |
Title | Serial Lung Imaging with 123I-IMP in Localized Pulmonary Lesions |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Masayuki NAKAJO*, Jurio SHIMADA*, Michiko SHIMOZONO*, Noriaki UCHIYAMA**, Yoshiyuki HIRAKI**, Shinji SHINOHARA** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Department of Radiology, National Minami-Kyushu Hospital, **Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Kagoshima University |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 25 |
Number | 5 |
Page | 441-450 |
Year/Month | 1988/5 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary] 123I-IMP (N-isopropyl-p-[123I]-iodoamphetamine) dynamic (1 frame/min for 25 mins) , 30-min and 4-hr static lung imaging was performed in a total of 65 patients with roentgenographic evidence of localized pulmonary lesion (12 with pneumonia, one with lung abscess, 5 with pulmonary tuberculosis, 3 with pneumoconiosis, one with lung fluke disease and 43 with various histological types of primary lung cancer) . The findings in 65 of 70 (95%) lesions in the initial 1 or 2-min dynamic 123I-IMP images were analogous to those obtained by 99mTc-MAA lung perfusion imaging and decreased activity was observed in 680f 70 (97%) lesions, suggesting that the initial images mainly reflected the relative distribution of pulmonary arterial blood flow. However, 123I-IMP accumulated differently according to the pathological conditions afterwards. Decreased activity from 123I-IMP was contineously observed in a cavity of the lung abscess, 2 of 2 tuberculomas, 3 of 7 large nodules of pneumoconiosis and all of the 42 cancerous lesions which were possible to be evaluated. Gradual increase in activity relative to that of "normal lung fields" was observed in all 14 lesions of pneumonia; pneumonic lesions of the lung abscess, tuberculosis and lung fluke disease; 4 of 7 large nodules of pneumoconiosis; all of 8 atelectatic lesions and 32 of 44 areas surrounding cancers (most of them had roentgenographic evidence of infiltrating shadows) . Thus 123I-IMP accumulated increasingly in pneumonic and atelectatic lesions, while it appeared not to accumulate in such lesions replacing lung tissues as cavity, caseous and fibrous lesions and primary lung cancers. 123I-IMP can be used as a new lung imaging agent to provide diagnostic informations on the property of pulmonary lesions. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | 123I-IMP, 99mTc-MAA, Pneumonia, Atelectasis, Primary lung cancer. |