Japanese |
Title | 簡便なStandard Voxel Count法による左室容積測定 |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 今井嘉門*, 安藤達夫*, 弓倉整*, 斎藤頴*, 小沢友紀雄*, 波多野道信*, 萩原和男**, 鎌田力三郎**, 岡治道*** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *日本大学医学部第二内科, **放射線科, ***岡病院内科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 25 |
Number | 3 |
Page | 213-221 |
Year/Month | 1988/3 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」従来心機能を駆出率で評価していたが, 最近左室容積の絶対値を求める必要性が認識されるようになった. 左室容積をRIアンジオグラフィで求める際カウント・ベース法を用いるが, 静脈血の採血およびその測定など煩雑な操作が必要である. このような煩雑な操作が不用なStandard voxel count法で左室容積を測定し, その有用性を検討した. 9点スムージングした拡張末期のLPO 30°およびLAO 40°画像を用い, 前者から左室の前後径を, 後者から左室の最高カウントを求め, 左室内1 voxel当たりのカウントを得た後, 左室関心領域カウントとの比より左室容積をvoxel単位で求め, さらにmlに変換した. この方法で得た左室拡張末期容積はUCGまたはカウント・ベース法で求めた左室拡張末期容積とおのおの相関係数r=0.831, r=0.903なる良好な相関を認めた. さらにこの方法は観察者内・観察者間の変動も少なく, 良好な再現性を示した. Standard voxel count法は左室容積の絶対値を求めるのに臨床上有用な方法である. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Left ventricular volume, RI-angiography, Count based method, Standard voxel count. |
English |
Title | Determination of Left Ventricular Volume by Standard Voxel Count Method without Blood Sampling and Blood Counting |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Kamon IMAI*, Tatsuo ANDO*, Sei YUMIKURA*, Satoshi SAITO*, Yukio OZAWA*, Michinobu HATANO**, Kazuo HAGIWARA**, Rikisaburou KAMATA**, Harumichi OKA*** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Department of Second Internal Medicine, **Department of Radiology, Nihon University, School of Medicine, ***Section of Internal Medicine, Oka Hospital |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 25 |
Number | 3 |
Page | 213-221 |
Year/Month | 1988/3 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary] Ejection fraction (EF) has been used as a global parameter of ventricular function measured in equilibrium radionuclide angiographic studies. Recently, measuring absolute left ventricular (LV) volumes has also been recognized to be important for the diagnosis and prognosis of patients with cardiac disease. Absolute left ventricular volume has been shown to be proportional to the ratio between background-corrected LV activity and the specific activity of the peripheral venous blood. For attenuation correction, the distance from skin marker to center of LV and the linear attenuation coefficient are measured. Measuring LV volumes without these complicated proceedings would be useful in clinical situation. We developed a new method for measuring absolute end-diastolic volume (EDV) which can be calculated using a standard voxel count method and then compared the results with those obtainted by UCG and no attenuation corrected count based method with Dehmer formula. To obtain the mean activity of voxels (standard voxel count) of LV, the two end-diastolic images from 40° left anterior oblique (LAO) and 30° left posterior oblique (LPO) images were selected. The maximum depth such as distance from anterior to posterior wall of the LV cavity in the LPO 30° image was measured and the pixel of maximum activity in the LV ROI of end-diastolic LAO 40° image was chosen. The standard voxel count of LV was calculated as follows: the value of maximum activity in LV ROI/depth of LV cavity. EDV was therefore calculated by the formula: the background corrected count in LV ROI (LAO)/ the standard voxel count, then the value was converted from voxel (0.1756 ml) to ml in units. EDV by standard voxel count was linealy correlated with EDVs by UCG and no attenuation corrected count based method. The intra- and interobserver reproducibility of this new method was excellent. Therefore, this method is useful in the determination of absolute end-diastolic volume in clinical situation. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Left ventricular volume, RI-angiography, Count based method, Standard voxel count. |