Japanese |
Title | I-123 IMPの肺集積を利用した肺シンチグラフィの試み |
Subtitle | 短報 |
Authors | 伊藤健吾*, 池田充*, 牧野直樹*, 阿部哲太郎*, 石垣武男*, 佐久間貞行* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *名古屋大学医学部放射線医学講座 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 25 |
Number | 1 |
Page | 77-82 |
Year/Month | 1988/1 |
Article | 報告 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「1. はじめに」N-isopropyl-p-[123I] iodoamphetamine (I-123 IMP)はWinchellらによって開発された脳血流測定用の放射性薬剤であるが, 初回循環で高率に肺に集積することが知られている. I-123 IMPの肺集積の機序については現在, なお不明な点が多いが, その高い肺集積性は血管内皮の機能と関係している可能性があり, 最近注目されている代謝臓器としての肺という観点からも興味深い. そこで今回われわれはI-123 IMPによる肺シンチグラフィを行い, 正常例および疾患例についてTc-99m MAAによる肺血流シンチグラフィとの対比を含めて検討したので報告する. 「II. 対象および方法」対象は正常人ボランティア4例(男性1例, 女性3例, 平均年齢46.2歳)と疾患例11例(男性7例, 女性4例, 平均年齢57.6歳)で, その内訳は肺癌3例(2例は放射線治療後), 転移性肺癌, ホジキン病おのおの1例(ともに放射線治療後), 縦隔腫瘍(カルチノイド), 乳癌術後, 気管支拡張症, 間質性肺炎の疑い, 各1例, その他(脳血管障害で脳血流検査を同時に施行した症例) 2例である. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | N-isopropyl-p-[123I] iodoamphetamine, Lung, Non-respiratory lung function. |
English |
Title | A trial of Pulmonary Scintigraphy Using I-123 IMP with a Property of High Lung Uptake |
Subtitle | Short Communication |
Authors | Kengo ITOH, Mitsuru IKEDA, Naoki MAKINO, Tetsutaro ABE, Takeo ISHIGAKI, Sadayuki SAKUMA |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | Department of Radiology, Nagoya University School of Medicine |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 25 |
Number | 1 |
Page | 77-82 |
Year/Month | 1988/1 |
Article | Report |
Abstract | [Summary] We performed pulmonary scintigraphy using N-isopropyl-p-[1231] iodoamphetamine (I-123 IMP) with a property of high lung uptake. For 20 min after intravenous bolus injection of I-123 IMP 3 mCi, data were recorded with a large-field γ camera and digital computer. Then both planar and single photon emission CT (SPECT) images were acquired. The results were as follows: 1. In normal cases, I-123 IMP showed a high lung uptake in the first pass and subsequent slow clearance. 2. In normal cases, both planar and SPECT images of lung with I-123 IMP were similar to those of Tc-99m MAA perfusion scintigraphy. 3. In two cases with lung cancer who received radiotherapy, there was a discrepancy in the image between I-123 IMP and Tc-99m MAA, probably because of very slow clearance of I-123 IMP from the irradiated area. 4. Pulmonary scintigraphy using I-123 IMP has a possibility that reflects the non-respiratory lung function, so we expect this method will become a new approach for the evaluation of pulmonary diseases. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | N-isopropyl-p-[123I] iodoamphetamine, Lung, Non-respiratory lung function. |