Japanese |
Title | 虚血心における左室拡張能および左房機能の検討 |
Subtitle | 短報 |
Authors | 河北誠三郎* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *滋賀医科大学第一内科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 24 |
Number | 12 |
Page | 1765-1770 |
Year/Month | 1987/12 |
Article | 報告 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「I. 緒言」虚血性心疾患における左室拡張能障害の早期出現に関する検討が最近なされつつあるが, これにともなう左房の代償機能の検討はいまだ少ない. しかし虚血心における左房収縮の関与は左室充満および心拍出量の維持において臨床上重要と思われ, 今回左室, 左房機能に関し虚血性心疾患44例につき検討した. 「II. 対象」冠動脈造影および左室造影にて異常を認めない正常群(G1)9例, 冠動脈の1枝以上に75%以上の狭窄を有する狭心症群(G2)12例で, 左前下行枝(LAD)1枝5例, LADおよび右冠動脈(RCA)の2枝2例, LADおよび左回旋枝(CX)の2枝2例, 3枝1例, RCA1枝1例, CX1枝1例である. また, 前壁梗塞群(G3)9例, 下壁梗塞群(G4)6例である. 左房機能の検討は, 心電図, 胸部レントゲン, 心臓超音波検査にて異常を認めない正常群7例, gated blood pool法にてEFが50%以上の心筋梗塞群11例, EFが50%未満の梗塞群6例(EF 34.7±7.0)の計24例にて行った. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Radionuclide angiography, Coronary artery disease, Left ventricular diastolic filling, Left atrial function. |
English |
Title | Analysis of Left Ventricular Diastolic Function and Left Atrial Function in Coronary Artery Disease by Radionuclide Angiography |
Subtitle | - Short Communication - |
Authors | Seizaburo KAWAKITA |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | First Department of Internal Medicine, Shiga University of Medical Science |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 24 |
Number | 12 |
Page | 1765-1770 |
Year/Month | 1987/12 |
Article | Report |
Abstract | To analyze regional left ventricular diastolic function, first-pass and multigated radionuclide angiography was performed in 27 patients with coronary artery disease (12: angina pectoris (AP), 9: anterior, 6: inferior myocardial infarction (MI)) and 9 normal subjects. To analyze left atrial function, AC/SV (atrial contraction) and PFR-AC (peak filling rate during atrial contraction) were obtained from backward left ventricular volume curve in 17 patients with coronary artery disease (11:EF>50%, 6:EF<50%) and 7 normal subjects. In AP patients, PFR was significantly reduced in apex and TPF (time to peak filling rate) was significantly prolonged in global LV and apex. In EF>50% patients, PFR was significantly reduced and AC/SV was significantly larger than that in normal subjects. In anteiror MI patients, PFR was normal in inferior region, and PFRs were significantly reduced in other regions. TPF was significantly prolonged in septal region. In inferior MI patients, PFR was normal in septal region, and PFRs were significantly reduced in other regions. In EF<50% patients, PFR and PFR-AC were significantly reduced, and there was no significant difference in AC/SV between the control group and EF<50% group. We conclude that the left atrial contribution to left ventricular function is increased in patient with coronary artery disease, but this compensative mechanism is limited in MI patient with reduced EF. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Radionuclide angiography, Coronary artery disease, Left ventricular diastolic filling, Left atrial function. |