Japanese |
Title | 心機能低下例における運動負荷時心機能の核医学的検討 |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 梅澤滋男*, 藤原秀臣**, 平井正幸**, 関延孝**, 廣江道昭***, 谷口興一**** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *横須賀共済病院内科, **土浦協同病院内科, RI室, ***東京女子医科大学放射線科核医学部, ****東京医科歯科大学第二内科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 24 |
Number | 7 |
Page | 947-954 |
Year/Month | 1987/7 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」心機能低下例の運動負荷に対する反応を把握する目的で陳旧性前壁梗塞18例に運動負荷心プールシンチを施行した. 対象を安静時EF 40%以上を示すA群7例と40%以下のB群11例に分け運動負荷に伴う血行動態諸指標の変化を核医学的に検討し, あわせてISDN, nifedipine, propranololに対する反応の差異についても両群で比較検討した. その結果, A群では負荷後EFは有意に増大し, 末梢抵抗は低く保たれるのに対し, B群ではEFの増加は認められず, 末梢抵抗は負荷後急速に上昇した. 薬剤に対する反応でも差異が認められ, nifedipine投与後にはB群においても負荷後EFは有意に増加し, 末梢抵抗も低値となった. 以上より, 心機能低下例では末梢抵抗の大きさが安静時ならびに負荷時の心機能を規定する重要な因子であり, そのような例には後負荷軽減作用を有する薬剤がより有用であると考えられた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Exercised radionuclide angiography, Old myocardial infarction, Impaired cardiac function, Systemic vascular resistance. |
English |
Title | Evaluation of Cardiac Response to Exercise in Patients with Impaired Cardiac Function |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Shigeo UMEZAWA*, Hideomi FUJIWARA**, Masayuki HIRAI**, Nobutaka SEKI**, Michiaki HIROE***, Koichi TANIGUCHI**** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Yokosuka Kyosai Hospital, **Tsuchiura Kyodo Hospital, ***The Division of Nuclear Medicine, Tokyo Women's Medical College, ****The Second Department of Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental University |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 24 |
Number | 7 |
Page | 947-954 |
Year/Month | 1987/7 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary]We performed exercised radionuclide angiography in 18 patients with old myocardial infarction, and compared the hemodynamic responses to exercise between Gr-A (n=7, EF>=40%) and Gr-B (n=11, EF<40%). We obtained end-diastolic volume by the formula of Dehmer et al and calculated cardiac output (CO), and then used mean blood pressure/cardiac output (m-BP/CO) as a parameter of systemic vascular resistance (SVR) and systolic blood pressure/end-systolic volume (SBP/ESV) as a parameter of contractility. In Gr-A, EF increased significantly after exercise (48+-4%→60+-8%, p<0.01), while it remained unchanged in Gr-B (31+-8%→35+-9%, NS). SVR in Gr-A remained still lower after exercise than at rest, but in Gr-B, it increased significantly soon after exercise. After administration of ISDN and nifedipine, EF and SBP/ESV increased significantly in Gr-A. In Gr-B, only nifedipine significantly increased EF because it could keep SVR lower after exercise as well as during exercise, although it could not cause the increase of SBP/ESV. These results indicate that the cardiac response to exercise is dependent mainly on SVR in patients with impaired cardiac function, and afterload reducing drugs such as nifedipine are much more effective on those cases. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Exercised radionuclide angiography, Old myocardial infarction, Impaired cardiac function, Systemic vascular resistance. |