Japanese |
Title | 67Ga DFO-DAS-Fibrinogenによる血栓シンチグラフィ - 第1報 67Ga DFO-DAS-Fibrinogenの血栓検出能に関する静脈血栓作成ラットにおける基礎的検討 - |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 川崎幸子* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *東京女子医科大学放射線医学教室 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 24 |
Number | 6 |
Page | 817-825 |
Year/Month | 1987/6 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」血栓描出用放射性医薬品として開発された67Ga Deferoxamine(DFO)-Dialdehydestarch(DAS)-Fibrinogenの血栓検出能をラットを用いて評価した. 静脈血栓は, シリコンカテーテルを頚静脈から挿入し上大静脈に留置し作成した. 67Ga DFO-DAS-Fibrinogen投与後に, シンチグラフィおよび各臓器と留置カテーテル周囲の血栓の放射能を測定した. またオートラジオグラフィを行い, マクロオートラジオグラムにて臓器分布と血栓への集積を観察した. 合わせて, 125I-fibrinogenとの比較検討を行った. その結果は, 1)オートラジオグラムにて留置カテーテル周囲の静脈血栓に, 67Ga DFO-DAS-Fibrinogenの高度集積を認めた. 2)血中消失は比較的早く, 約48時間で平衡に達し, ラットのシンチグラムの結果では, ラットの場合には撮像時間は48時間前後が良いと思われた. 3)67Ga DFO-DAS-Fibrinogenのラットの静脈血栓への集積は, カテ留置1日から21日まで観察した結果, 4〜5日で最も高く, 漸次減少した. 4)67Ga DFO-DAS-Fibrinogenの血栓への集積程度は, 125I-fibrinogenの集積能とほぼ同等であった. 5)67Ga DFO-DAS-Fibrinogenの静脈血栓への集積が高いほど, 肝の集積が高いことが観察された. 以上の結果より, 67Ga DFO-DAS-Fibrinogenは血栓の画像診断に適した代謝性薬剤と考えられた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | 67Ga DFO-DAS-Fibrinogen, Venous thrombus sintigraphy, Human fibrinogen. |
English |
Title | Thrombus Scintigraphy with Ga-67 DFO-DAS-Fibrinogen - Report I A Basic Study on the Capacity to Detect a Thrombus of Ga-67 DFO-DAS-Fibrinogen in Rats with Venous Thrombi - |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Yukiko KAWASAKI |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | Department of Radiology, Tokyo Women's Medical College |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 24 |
Number | 6 |
Page | 817-825 |
Year/Month | 1987/6 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary]67Ga Deferoxamine (DFO)-Dialdehyde starch (DAS)-Fibrinogen, a radiopharmaceutical for visualizing thrombi, was assessed for its capacity to detect thrombi in rats. Venous thrombosis was produced by inserting a silicone catheter into the superior vena cava via the jugular vein and holding it in place. After administration of 67Ga DFO-DAS-Fibrinogen the animals were subjected to scintiscanning and measurement of radioactivity in various organs, particularly at the site of thrombus formation around the inlying catheter. Macroautoradiography were also performed for accumulation of the radionuclide in organs and at the site of thrombus formation and, in addition, to compare the findings with those obtained with 125I-Fibrinogen. The results may be summarized as follows: 1) Autoradiography revealed a noticeably high concentration of 67Ga DFO-DAS-Fibrinogen at a venous thrombus enclosing the catheter. 2) In a radiographic study of its kinetics in normal rats the RI was shown to be cleared relatively quickey from the circulation, with a plateau being reached about 48 hours after administration (hence the optimal time of exposure being at around this point of time). 3) The accumulation of 67Ga DFO-DAS-Fibrinogen in experimental venous thrombi, when evaluated for 21 consecutive days from the day of placement of the catheter, was found to become peaked at 4-5 days after RI administration, decreasing gradually thereafter. 4) 67Ga DFO-DAS-Fibrinogen accumulated in thrombi to nearly the same concentration sufficient for radiodiagnostic purposes as did 125I-Fibrinogen. 5) The study also disclosed that the higher the concentration in which 67Ga DFO-DAS-Fibrinogen accumulated in thrombi, the greater the amount in which it was concurrently taken up by the liver. These results warranted us to conclude that 67Ga DFO-DAS-Fibrinogen is a radiopharmaceutical suited for the diagnostic imaging of thrombi. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | 67Ga DFO-DAS-Fibrinogen, Venous thrombus sintigraphy, Human fibrinogen. |