Japanese |
Title | 回転平行多スリット型Coded apertureを用いたイメージング |
Subtitle | 《原著》 |
Authors | 藤本肇*, 桂井浩*, 有水昇* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *千葉大学医学部放射線医学教室 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 24 |
Number | 5 |
Page | 529-534 |
Year/Month | 1987/5 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」核医学撮像系の効率向上を目的として, タングステン板を素材として回転平行多スリット型coded apertureを試作し, ガンマカメラに装着して撮像を行った. ファントムおよび臨床例につき, このcoded apertureを用いてデータ収集を行い, filtered back projectionにより, 64×64の画像を再構成した. この撮像系においては, 通常の平行多孔型コリメータを使用した時に比べ, 少なくとも30倍の効率でデータ収集が可能であった. 10分以内の短時間で, 画像の再構成が可能であった. 臨床的に十分有用な解像力を持たせるためには, スリット間隔の短縮等, さらに改良の余地が残されているが, この形式のcoded apertureの利用により, 撮像時間短縮の可能性が示唆された. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Coded aperture, Rotating multi-slit, Filtered back projection, Efficiency. |
English |
Title | Coded Aperture Imaging Using a Rotating Multi-Slit Aperture |
Subtitle | Original Article |
Authors | Hajime FUJIMOTO, Hiroshi KATSURAI, Noboru ARIMIZU |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | Department of Radiology, Chiba University School of Medicine |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 24 |
Number | 5 |
Page | 529-534 |
Year/Month | 1987/5 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | A rotating multi-slit type coded aperture made by tungsten plates was equipped with a gamma camera for the purpose of improvement of the efficiency of the radionuclides imagings. With this coded aperture instead of a conventional parallel multi-hole collimator, coded image data was acquired from a phantom and some clinical cases. The decoded images with the matrix of 64×64 were reconstructed by filtered back projection. Using this aperture, the efficiency was at least 30 times better than the system with a parallel multi-hole collimator. The decoded images were reconstructed within 10 minutes. Although this leaves plenty of room for improvement of some mechanical structures of this aperture to achieve better spatial resolution, for example, shortening of the width of the slit, it was suggested that the time for data acquisition can be curtailed using this kind of coded aperture. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Coded aperture, Rotating multi-slit, Filtered back projection, Efficiency. |