Japanese |
Title | MRIによる腎動態機能検査法の実験的検討 - 糸球体機能と尿細管機能の分離評価法について - |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 池平博夫* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *放射線医学総合研究所臨床研究部 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 24 |
Number | 3 |
Page | 263-272 |
Year/Month | 1987/3 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」腎皮質部および腎髄質部におけるトレーサー投与後の縦緩和率(R1)の変化を経時的にプロットした, いわゆるMRI局所レノグラムを用いて, 腎皮質部と腎髄質部でのトレーサーの濃度変化を検討し, 各部機能の分離評価を試みた. トレーサーとしては放医研製のGd-DTPA(diethylene triamin pentaacetic acid)を用い, 家兎の耳静脈より0.05mmol/kg投与後, R1(縦緩和率)値の変化を測定した. 疾患モデルとしては, 家兎により正常例17例, 尿管結紮8例, 腎動脈狭窄3例, シスプラチン2mg/kg投与2例, さらに局所障害例として放射線(Co-60)15Gyを右腎上極部へ照射を1例作成した. 糸球体機能パラメータとしてGFR(glomerular filtration ratio)値を, 尿細管機能パラメータとして尿流値, 逆拡散量と尿細管容積値の算出法を考案し有効性評価を行った. MRIによる腎動態検査法により, 腎機能の本質である皮質機能と髄質機能を分離して捉えることが可能であるという示唆が得られた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Gadolinium DTPA, MRI, Renal function, Renal tubular function, Renal glomerular function. |
English |
Title | Experimental Renal Kinetic Function Analysis Using Gd-DTPA Enhanced MRI - The Separation Analysis of Glomerular and Tubular Functions - |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Hiroo IKEHIRA |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | Division of Clinical Research, National Institute of Radiological Sciences |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 24 |
Number | 3 |
Page | 263-272 |
Year/Month | 1987/3 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary]The transitions of relaxation rate (R1=1/T1) on successive renal MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) can afford an information concerning renal function when excretory contrast media are used. Time-relaxation rate curves also make the MRI renography. A new calculation method for the GFR (glomerular filtration ratio) values from the MRI renography has been previously reported by our group. In this study, we experimentally applied the calculation method to MRI renography of rabbits for separating measurements of glomerular and tubular functions. Gd-DTPA (Gd-diethylene triamin pentaacetic acid) was prepared by our group. This compound was used as an excretory contrast media of MRI for measuring renal function, 0.05 mmol/kg of the compound was i.v. injected to each rabbit in experiments. Thirty-one rabbits' kidneys were grouped into 5 grouper: 17 controles, 8 with a ureter occlusion, 3 with a stenosis of renal artery, 2 with renal disorder by means of cisplatina injection and 1 with local irradiation of kidney. The longitudinal relaxation rate values were continuously measured on several portions of bilateral kidneys during 60 minutes after the injection of the Gd-DTPA, using Tl (Tr=1,000 msec, Td=300 msec) pulse sequences. Regional renographies were successfully obtained on the cortex and medulla. Not only the GFR values but also the following 3 parameters; the tubular volume parameter, the urine flow parameter and the reverse diffusion parameter were calculated by new methods of analysis on regional renographies. The animal studies disclosed positive correlation between the GFR parameter and the urine flow parameter, and also negative correlation between the GFR parameter and the reverse diffusion parameter. These results suggested that the differentiation between each stage of renal kinetic dysfunction could be achieved by this method of analysis on MRI regional renography. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Gadolinium DTPA, MRI, Renal function, Renal tubular function, Renal glomerular function. |