TitleSingle Photon Emission CTを用いた心拍同期心プールスキャンにおける180°スキャンのデータ収集開始位置に関する問題点および血中放射活性の時間的減衰補正の検討
Authors大嶽達*, 渡辺俊明*, 西川潤一*, 百瀬敏光*, 小坂昇*, 小嶋馨*, 飯尾正宏*, 舛尾正俊**, 芹沢剛**, 杉本恒明**, 吉栖正生***, 山沖和秀***, 外山比南子****, 町田喜久雄*****
Organization*東京大学医学部放射線科, **第二内科, ***第三内科, ****筑波大学医学部放射線科, *****埼玉医科大学総合医療センター放射線科
Abstract「要旨」SPECTを用いた心拍同期心プールスキャンにおいて, 180°スキャンのデータ収集開始位置の違いおよび時間的減衰補正による両室駆出カウントやその比の変化について検討した. 軸偏位の少ない一般の症例では, データ収集開始位置の10°程度のずれでは両室駆出カウントやその比の変動は少なく, また360°スキャンデータやそれをSorenson法で吸収補正したデータとの差も大きくなく, 左背斜位45°から67.5°のデータ収集開始位置の180°スキャンで実用に耐えると考えられた. しかし, 心拡大や軸偏位の強い症例ではデータ収集開始位置のずれによる変動も大きく, 360°スキャンのが望ましいと考えられた. Tc-99m標識アルブミンの血中有効半減期は, 6症例の平均で, 3.03±0.59時間であり, 35分のデータ収集で, 半減期3時間として時間的減衰補正をすると, 両室駆出カウント比の補正による変化は多くの場合1%以下と比較的少なかった.
KeywordsGated cardiac blood pool scan, Single photon emission computed tomography, 180° data sampling, Starting point of data sampling, Radioactivity decay correction.
TitleThe Problem in 180° Data Sampling and Radioactivity Decay Correction in Gated Cardiac Blood Pool Scanning Using SPECT
SubtitleOriginal Articles
AuthorsTohru OHTAKE*, Toshiaki WATANABE*, Junichi NISHIKAWA*, Toshimitsu MOMOSE*, Noboru KOSAKA*, Kaoru KOJIMA*, Masahiro IIO*, Masatoshi MASUO**, Takashi SERIZAWA**, Tsuneaki SUGIMOTO**, Masao YOSHIZUMI***, Kazuhide YAMAOKI***, Hinako TOYAMA****, Kikuo MACHIDA*****
Organization*Department of Radiology, **Second Department of Internal Medicine, ***Third Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo, ****Department of Radiology, University of Tsukuba, *****Department of Radiology, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical School
JournalThe Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine
ArticleOriginal article
Abstract[Summary]In cardiac blood pool scanning using SPECT, half 180° data collection (HD) vs. full 360° data collection (FD) and Tc-99m decay are problems in quantifying the ejection count (EC) (end-diastolic count end-systolic count) of both ventricles and the ratio of the ejection count of the right and left ventricles (RVEC/LVEC). We studied the change produced by altering the starting position of data sampling in HD scans. In our results of phantom and 4 clinical cases, when the cardiac axis deviation was not large and there was not remarkable cardiac enlargement, the change in LVEC, RVEC and RVEC/LVEC was small (1-4 %) within 12 degree change of the starting position, and the difference between the results of HD scan with a good starting position (the average of LV peak and RV peak) and FD scan was not large (less than 7 %). Because of this, we think HD scan can be used in those cases. But when the cardiac axis deviation was large or there was remarkable cardiac enlargement, the change of LVEC, RVEC and RVEC/LVEC was large (more than 10 %) even within 12 degree change of the starting position. So we think FD scan would be better in those cases. In our results of 6 patients, the half-life of Tc-99m labeled albumin in blood varied from 2 to 4 hr (3.03 +- 0.59 hr, mean +- s.d.). Using a program for radioactivity (RA) decay correction, we studied the change in LVEC, RVEC and LVEC/RVEC in 11 cases. When RA decay correction was performed using a half-life of 3.0 hr, LVEC increased 7.5 %, RVEC increased 8.7 % and RVEC/LVEC increased 0.9 on the average in HD scans of 8 cases (LPO to RAO, 32 views, 60 beat/1 view). We think RA decay correction would not be needed in quantifying RVEC/LVEC in most cases because the change of RVEC/LVEC was very small.
PracticeClinical medicine
KeywordsGated cardiac blood pool scan, Single photon emission computed tomography, 180° data sampling, Starting point of data sampling, Radioactivity decay correction.
