Japanese |
Title | 脚ブロックを合併した心筋梗塞の診断におけるTc-99m心プール像位相解析の有用性 |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 松島英夫*, 河合直樹*, 鈴木晃夫*, 山本秀平*, 外畑巌*, 安部哲太郎**, 佐久間貞行** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *名古屋大学医学部第一内科, **放射線科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 23 |
Number | 6 |
Page | 801-809 |
Year/Month | 1986/6 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」心室興奮伝導異常および心筋梗塞の合併例におけるTc-99m心プール像位相解析の有用性を検討することを目的とし, 心筋梗塞合併例を含む脚ブロック36名, 脚ブロックのない心筋梗塞10名および健常人12名を対象に, 心電図同期心プール像の位相解析を施行した. 健常人では両心室の平均位相角は左右ほぼ同時であったが, 脚ブロック患者ではブロック側の心室の位相角遅延がみられ, 梗塞を合併する症例では左室内に局所位相遅延部位を認めた. 左室位相角の標準偏差値は左室駆出率と有意な負相関(r=-0.77)を示し, 左室の不均等収縮を反映するものと考えられた. 心電図同期心プール像の位相解析は, 脚ブロックの診断のみならず, 心電図学的診断の困難な脚ブロックに合併した心筋梗塞の診断にも有用と考えられた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Tc-99m red blood cells, Bundle branch block, Old myocardial infarction, Gated blood-pool imaging, Phase analysis. |
English |
Title | The Clinical Usefulness of the Phase Analysis of Tc-99m Blood-pool Imaging in Patients with Old Myocardial Infarction Complicated with Bundle Branch Block |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Hideo MATSUSHIMA*, Naoki KAWAI*, Akio SUZUKI*, Shuhei YAMAMOTO*, Iwao SOTOBATA*, Tetsutaro ABE**, Sadayuki SAKUMA** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *First Department of Internal Medicine, **Department of Radiology, Nagoya University School of Medicine |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 23 |
Number | 6 |
Page | 801-809 |
Year/Month | 1986/6 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the clinical usefulness of phase analysis of Tc-99m gated blood-pool imaging in patients with old myocardial infarction (OMI) complicated with bundle branch block (BBB). Tc-99m gated blood-pool imaging was performed on 28 OMI patients with BBB (18) or without BBB(10), 18 BBB patients without OMI, and 12 normal controls. Eighteen of the 36 patients with BBB complicated with OMI were diagnosed by clinical history, serum CK levels and/or left ventriculography. The phase analysis was carried out on all 58 subjects, and regions of interest were set around the right and left ventricular (RV and LV) cavity and around partially phase-delayed areas in LV. Phase histograms were obtained in each ventricles, and the mean value and standard deviation (SD) were calculated in each phase histogram. Phase histograms were also obtained in a partially phase delayed region in LV. Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was calculated from the time-volume curve. The mean phase angle of both ventricles was almost similar in normal controls. It was significantly delayed in RV and LV in patients with RBBB and LBBB, respectively. In patients with RBBB complicated with OMI, the phase difference between LV and RV (LV-RV) was smaller than in those with RBBB without OMI. In cases of LBBB complicated with OMI, the phase difference was larger than in those without OMI. All patients with OMI had a locally delayed region in LV. SD of the LV phase angles showed a significant correlation with LVEF (r=-0.77). Patients with OMI showed a lower LVEF and a larger SD than normal controls. Patients with LBBB showed a lower LVEF and a larger SD, irrespective of the presence or absence of OMI. SD of LV regional phase angles was considered to suggest asynchronous contraction of LV. It was concluded that the phase analysis of blood-pool imaging was useful in diagnosing OMI in patients with BBB. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Tc-99m red blood cells, Bundle branch block, Old myocardial infarction, Gated blood-pool imaging, Phase analysis. |