Japanese |
Title | 放射線照射による唾液腺機能障害の唾液腺シンチグラフィによる評価 |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 陣之内正史*, 星博昭*, 木原康*, 西川清*, 渡辺克司* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *宮崎医科大学放射線医学教室 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 23 |
Number | 6 |
Page | 793-799 |
Year/Month | 1986/6 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」放射線治療を施行した頭頸部悪性腫瘍患者31例に経時的な唾液腺シンチグラフィを行い, 放射線による唾液腺の機能障害を定量的に評価した. 99mTcO4-の10mCi(370 MBq)を静注後, 50分間にわたって頭部の正面像を1フレーム30秒, 100フレームでコンピュータに入力した. RI静注30分後にレモン汁の口腔内投与による味覚刺激を行った. 左右耳下腺, 顎下腺およびバックグラウンドとして額の5か所に同じ大きさの関心領域を設定し, time activity curve(TAC)を求めた. おのおののTACより摂取率(Ku), 分泌率(Ke)および分泌速度(Ve)の3つのパラメータを算出した. Kuは放射線治療後もほとんど低下しなかった. 唾液分泌反応を表すKeとVeは, 線量に応じて低下し, 30Gy以上で無反応となる例が多かった. 唾液腺分泌障害は, 顎下腺よりも耳下腺のほうに強い傾向がみられた. 経時的唾液腺シンチグラフィは, 放射線による唾液腺の機能障害を客観的に評価するのに有用と思われた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Sequential sialoscintigraphy, Irradiation, Salivary gland dysfunction, Quantitative analysis. |
English |
Title | Quantitative Assessment of Irradiated Salivary Gland by Sequential Sialoscintigraphy |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Seishi JINNOUCHI, Hiroaki HOSHI, Yasushi KIHARA, Kiyoshi NISHIKAWA, Katsushi WATANABE |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | Department of Radiology, Miyazaki Medical College |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 23 |
Number | 6 |
Page | 793-799 |
Year/Month | 1986/6 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | Salivary gland function of patients which received radiotherapy was evaluated quantitatively by sequential sialoscintigraphy. Materials were 31 cases with malignant tumor in the head and neck. After intravenous injection of 10 mCi of 99mTc pertechnetate, the data were stored in a computer system from 0 to 50 minute. Lemon juice was given at 30 minute. 5 ROIs, which were designed on 4 major salivary glands and forehead for a background, were made. Uptake ratio (Ku), excretion ratio (Ke) and excretion velocity (Ve) were calculated by each time activity curve. Before irradiation, Ku, Ke and Ve were 67+-10(%), 69+-14(%) and 0.49+-0.20(1/min)(parotid gland), 70+-8(%), 54+-13(%) and 0.35+-0.15(1/min)(submandibular gland) respectively. The value of Ku showed little change after irradiation, but Ke and Ve significantly decreased according to radiation dose. The parotid gland were affected by radiation more than the submandibular gland. We concluded that sequential sialoscintigraphy was a useful examination for evaluating dysfunction of the irradiated salivary gland. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Sequential sialoscintigraphy, Irradiation, Salivary gland dysfunction, Quantitative analysis. |