Japanese |
Title | 13N-アンモニアポジトロンCTによる局所心筋血流量測定 - 肥大型心筋症を対象に - |
Subtitle | 研究速報 |
Authors | 吉田勝哉*, 遠藤真広**, 氷見寿治*, 宿谷正毅*, 増田善昭*, 稲垣義明*, 篠遠仁**, 福田信男**, 山崎統四郎**, 飯沼武**, 舘野之男** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *千葉大学医学部第三内科, **放射線医学総合研究所臨床研究部 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 23 |
Number | 4 |
Page | 403-407 |
Year/Month | 1986/4 |
Article | 報告 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「I. はじめに」局所心筋血流量が非侵襲的にかつ定量的に測定できれば, その臨床的意義は大きい. ポジトロンCT(PCT)はすぐれた時間分解能と画像の定量性を持っているので, この目的にかなった診断法であるが, まだ臨床例への応用には至っていない. これは現在のポジトロンCT装置の解像度が, 心臓の定量的画像を得るためには不十分なため, 部分容積効果などの影響を補正する必要があることが第一の原因である. 第二に, K同族体や13N-アンモニア(13NH3)のようなトレーサーでは, 取り込み率の低下や再循環の影響による測定値の誤差が問題になるためである. これらの困難に対処するため, 13NH3による心ポジトロンCTに際し, まず第一に部分容積効果の影響が問題とならない, 心筋が著明に肥厚した肥大型心筋症例を対象として選択した. 第二に, われわれは6秒ずつ連続データを収集するFast dynamic studyを正常および各種心疾患例で行った. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Regional myocardial blood flow, 13N-ammonia, Positron CT, Fast dynamic study, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. |
English |
Title | Measurement of Regional Myocardial Blood Flow with 13N-Ammonia and Fast Dynamic Positron CT in Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy |
Subtitle | |
Authors | Katsuya YOSHIDA*, Masahiro ENDO**, Toshiharu HIMI*, Masaki SHUKUYA*, Yoshiaki MASUDA*, Yoshiaki INAGAKI*, Hitoshi SHINOTO**, Nobuo FUKUDA**, Toshiro YAMASAKI**, Takeshi IINUMA**, Yukio TATENO** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Third Department of Internal Medicine, Chiba University School of Medicine, **Division of Clinical Research, National Institute of Radiological Sciences |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 23 |
Number | 4 |
Page | 403-407 |
Year/Month | 1986/4 |
Article | Report |
Abstract | Quantitative noninvasive measurement of regional myocardial blood flow is necessary to facilitate detection and evaluation of cardiac pathophisiology. In the present study, we performed fast dynamic positron CT using 13N-ammonia and examined this possibility in 4 patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. 13N-ammonia(5.6-13.0 mCi) was injected intravenously as a bolus from the antecubital vein. Serial 6-second imaging for 2 minutes was initiated at the time of tracer injection. Myocardial 13N activity was determined by assigning regions of interest (ROI) over the myocardium that had more than 25 mm wall thickness measured by contrast enhanced X-ray CT. In these ROIs, corrections for partial volume effects and spillover of radioactivity from blood were not needed. An arterial input function was determined noninvasively by assigning a ROI over the left atrium, Arterial 13N activity was highest in the second to the third frames (12-24 sec). It rapidly declined thereafter. Myocardial 13N activity rapidly increased, reached a plateau in the sixth to the eighth frames (30-48 sec). Regional myocardial blood flow was calculated from the myocardial 13N activity in this frame and integral of the arterial 13N activity to this frame. Regional myocardial blood flow calculated by this technique was 64.6+-15.9ml/min/100gm. Our preliminary work indicate that in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, regional myocardial blood flow can be quantified noninvasively with 13N-ammonia and fast dynamic positron CT. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Regional myocardial blood flow, 13N-ammonia, Positron CT, Fast dynamic study, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. |