Japanese |
Title | 初回通過時稀釈法による右室駆出分画測定の検討 |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 滝淳一*, 四位例靖*, 分校久志*, 中嶋憲一*, 山田正人**, 南部一郎*, 多田明***, 谷口充*, 利波紀久*, 久田欣一* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *金沢大学医学部核医学科, **付属病院アイソトープ部, ***国立金沢病院放射線科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 23 |
Number | 3 |
Page | 221-225 |
Year/Month | 1986/3 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」初回通過時稀釈法(FTC)による右室駆出分画(RVEF)測定法の基礎的検討を行った. RVEFは上大静脈の時間放射能曲線(TAC)を入力関数としたdeconvolution後の右心室TACの下降部を指数関数近似して得られた減衰定数kを心拍数で割ることにより求めた. 検者内(n=12)および検者間(n=18)の再現性は良好であり, その相関係数rはそれぞれ0.93, 0.97であった. 本法によるRVEFと従来からのfirst pass(FP)法および平衡時心電図同期法(GBP)によるRVEFの間には, EF(FTC)=0.95EF(FP)+2.9%(r=0.86)およびEF(FTC)=0.89EF(GBP)+3.3% (r=0.90)の良好な相関関係を認めた. 関心領域(ROI)の設定の違いによるRVEF値の変化は少なく, 正確に右室にROIを設定した場合と右房をも含めた場合のRVEF値には有意差はなくr=0.96と良好な相関をみた. 以上よりFTC法によるRVEF算出は簡便かつROI設定による影響の少ない有用な方法と結論された. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Right ventricular ejection fraction, First transit clearance technique. |
English |
Title | Determination of Right Ventricular Ejection Fraction Using First Transit Clearance Technique |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Junichi TAKI*, Yasushi SHIIRE*, Hisashi BUNKO*, Kenichi NAKAJIMA*, Masato YAMADA**, Ichiro NANBU*, Akira TADA***, Mitsuru TANIGUCHI*, Norihisa TONAMI*, Kinichi HISADA* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Department of Nuclear Medicine, School of Medicine, Kanazawa University, **Department of Radioisotope Technology Kanazawa University Hospital, ***Department of Radiology, Kanazawa National Hospital |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 23 |
Number | 3 |
Page | 221-225 |
Year/Month | 1986/3 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | First transit clearance technique (FTC) for calculation of right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) was evaluated and compared with first pass technique (FP) and gated blood pool technique (GBP). Data were obtained as a series of 0.5 second images in the 30 degrees right anterior oblique projection using slant-hole collimator. Right ventricular (RV) region of interest (ROI) was outlined on the image during the RV stage of transit. Down slope of RV time activity curve generated by deconvolution analysis was fitted by exponential function and obtained clearance rate constant (k). RVEF was calculated by following equation. RVEF=k/HR, where HR is heart rate. Good intra and interobserver reproducibilities were obtained and the correlation coefficients (r) were 0.93, 0.97 respectively. RVEF values calculated by FTC and FP showed good correlation (r=0.86, p<0.001) and also good correlation (r=0.90, p<0.001) was obtained between FTC and GBP. There were no significant differences among RVEF values calculated from these three methods. There was strong correlation between the RVEF values calculated by precise RV ROI setting and rough ones (containing right atrium in ROI (r=0.96) or only 4 pixels in RV (r=0.97)). We concluded that this first transit clearance technique was simple and accurate method for RVEF calculation, and the RVEF values were not affected significantly by the way drawing RV ROIs. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Right ventricular ejection fraction, First transit clearance technique. |