Japanese |
Title | 健常者における急性後負荷増大に対する左室収縮期, 拡張期特性および左房関与の変化について - R波順方向, 逆方向心プール法による検討 - |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 古谷雄司*, 尾崎正治*, 池園徹*, 山岸隆*, 清水達朗*, 山岡英樹*, 松村和彦*, 楠川禮造*, 田村吉則**, 松浦昭人**, 有馬暁光** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *山口大学医学部第二内科, **町立大和病院 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 23 |
Number | 3 |
Page | 213-220 |
Year/Month | 1986/3 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」急性後負荷増大に対する左室収縮期, 拡張期特性および左房関与の変化について検討した. 健常者10名に, アンギオテンシンを点滴静注し, 収縮期血圧を約40mmHg上昇させた. 昇圧前後で, リストモード心電図同期心プール法により, 左室容量曲線をR波より順方向および逆方向に作成し, 種々の指標を求め比較した. 後負荷増大により, 収縮期指標である駆出率(59±5to48±6%;p<0.001), 最大駆出速度(2.78±0.52to2.13±0.32 EDV/sec;p<0.01)は有意に低下した. R波から収縮末期までの時間(337±26to386±35msec;p<0.01)は有意に延長した. 拡張早期の指標である最大充満速度(PFR)(2.96±0.66to2.27±0.70EDV/sec;p<0.01), 充満率(FF)(38±11to27±11%;p<0.01)は有意に低下した. 逆に, 左房収縮の関与を示すAC/SV(19±3to25±5%;p<0.01)は有意に増加した. また, PFR, FFおよびAC/SVの昇圧前に対する昇圧後の変化率を, おのおの%ΔPFR, %ΔFFおよび%ΔAC/SVとすると, %ΔPFRと%ΔAC/SVの間に有意の逆相関を認め(r=-0.72, p<0.05), %ΔFFと%ΔAC/SVの間にも有意の逆相関を認めた(r=-0.79, p<0.05). 以上より, 健常者では急性後負荷増大により, 拡張早期流入障害が起こり, 代償性に左房収縮の関与が増大すると考えられた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Gated blood pool imaging, Systolic phase index, Diastolic phase index, Atrial contribution, Afterload stress. |
English |
Title | Analysis of Left Ventricular Systolic, Diastolic Properties, and Left Atrial Contribution During Acute Increase in Afterload in Normal Subjects : Assessment with Forward and Backward Gating Radionuclide Ventriculography |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Yuji FURUTANI*, Masaharu OZAKI*, Tohru IKEZONO*, Takashi YAMAGISHI*, Tatsuro SHIMIZU*, Hideki YAMAOKA*, Kazuhiko MATSUMURA*, Reizo KUSUKAWA*, Yoshinori TAMURA**, Akito MATSUURA**, Akiteru ARIMA** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *The Second Department of Internal Medicine, Yamaguchi University School of Medicine, **Yamato Hospital |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 23 |
Number | 3 |
Page | 213-220 |
Year/Month | 1986/3 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | The left ventricular systolic phase indexes, diastolic phase indexes and left atrial contribution during acute increase in afterload were evaluated in 10 normal subjects. Radionuclide ventriculography was performed before and during angiotensin infusion. The systolic blood pressure was increased about 40 mmHg with angiotensin infusion. The data was acquired in a list mode and left ventricular volume curves were constructed by forward and backward gating from the R wave of ECG. The systolic phase indexes: EF (ejection fraction), PER (peak ejection rate) and TES (time to end-systole), and the early diastolic phase indexes: PFR (peak filling rate) and FF (filling fraction) were calculated from the forward gating left ventricular volume curve. Left atrial contribution (AC/SV) was calculated from the backward gating left ventricular volume curve. During acute increase in afterload, EF (59+-5to48+-6%;p<0.001) and PER (2.78+-0.52to2.13+-0.32EDV/sec;p<0.01) decreased and TES (337+-26to386+-35msec;p<0.01) prolonged. PFR (2.96+-0.66to2.77+-0.70 EDV/sec;p<0.01) and FF (38+-11to27+-11%;p<0.01) decreased. In contrast, AC/SV (19+-3to25+-5%;p<0.01) increased. The percent change from control values of PFR, FF and AC/SV were %ΔPFR, %ΔFF and %ΔAC/SV. Significant correlation was present between %ΔPFR and %ΔAC/SV (r=-0.72, p<0.05), and also between %ΔFF and %ΔAC/SV(r=-0.79, p<0.05). These results indicate that in normal subjects left ventricular early diastolic filling is impaired and left atrial contribution increases during acute increase in afterload. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Gated blood pool imaging, Systolic phase index, Diastolic phase index, Atrial contribution, Afterload stress. |