Japanese |
Title | 局所脳血流異常の検出におけるN-isopropyl-I-123-p-iodoamphetamineの有用性について |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 黒崎敦子*, 村田啓*, 関要次郎**, 相羽正**, 外山比南子*** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *虎の門病院放射線科, **脳神経外科, ***筑波大学臨床医学系 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 22 |
Number | 10 |
Page | 1505-1513 |
Year/Month | 1985/10 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」 局所脳血流測定のために開発されたN-isopropyl-I-123-p-iodoamphetamine (IMP) を用いてSPECTによる頭部断層像 (IMP-SPECT) を作成し, 脳血流異常の検出におけるその有用性を検討した. 対象は発作後7時間から8か月の間に初回検査を行いえた脳梗塞25症例33病巣で, 各症例ごとにX線CTとの比較検討, および可能なものについては経時的変化についての観察を行った. その結果以下の結論を得た. 1) 33病巣中16病巣において, IMP-SPECTで検出された血流低下域はX線CTの低吸収域より大きい傾向にあった. 2) X線CTで病変が検出されない発症初期に, IMP-SPECTで局所血流の異常を検出できた. 3) 一方, X線CTで検出できた基底核の小梗塞などで, IMP-SPECTでは検出不能のものが見られた. 4) crossed cerebellar diaschisisと思われる所見が3割の症例に認められた. 5) 病巣に一致して一過性に局所脳血流の増加した症例が観察された. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | IMP (N-isopropyl-I-123-p-iodoamphetamine) , Cerebral infarction, Crossed cerebellar diaschisis, Luxury perfusion, SPECT (single photon emission tomography) |
English |
Title | Regional Cerebral Blood Flow Abnormalities Detected with N-isopropyl-I-123-p-iodoamphetamine in Patients with Cerebral Infarction |
Subtitle | |
Authors | Atsuko KUROSAKI*, Hajime MURATA*, Youjirou SEKI**, Tadashi AIBA**, Hinako TOYAMA*** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Division of Nuclear Medicine, **Division of Neurosurgery, Toranomon Hospital, ***Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Tsukuba |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 22 |
Number | 10 |
Page | 1505-1513 |
Year/Month | 1985/10 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary] Single photon emission computed tomography of the brain using N-isopropyl-I-123-p-iodoamphetamine (IMP-SPECT) was performed in 25 patients with cerebral infarction (33 lesions) to determine the value of IMP-SPECT in detecting alteration in regional cerebral blood flow. The interval between the onset of symptom and IMP-SPECT ranged seven hours to eight months. X-CT was performed within a few days of IMP-SPECT. Perfusion deficit detected by IMP-SPECT was larger than the low dencity area seen on X-CT in half of lesions. Six out of 16 lesions less than 2 cm in size on X-CT were demonstrated on IMP-SPECT. Those that went undetected on IMP-SPECT were located deeply ; the caudate nucleus, thalamus, putamen and paraventricular region. IMP-SPECT demonstrated perfusion deficit as early as seven hours after the ictus when X-CT remained normal. Crossed cerebellar diaschisis was observed in one third of cases. It is concluded that IMP-SPECT surpasses X-CT in making early detection of cerebral infarction with exeption of basal ganglionic lesion less than 2 cm in size. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | IMP (N-isopropyl-I-123-p-iodoamphetamine) , Cerebral infarction, Crossed cerebellar diaschisis, Luxury perfusion, SPECT (single photon emission tomography) |