Japanese |
Title | 標識抗ヒトα-Fetoprotein抗体を用いる腫瘍イメージングの基礎的検討 - 第2報 モノクローナル抗体IgGとF(ab')2分画の比較 - |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 阪原晴海*, 遠藤啓吾*, 中島鉄夫*, 小泉満*, 太田仁八*, 鳥塚莞爾*, 岡田謙一郎**, 吉田修**, 西信三*** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *京都大学医学部核医学科, **泌尿器科, ***北海道大学医学部生化学教室 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 22 |
Number | 3 |
Page | 377-382 |
Year/Month | 1985/3 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」ヒトα-fetoprotein (AFP) に対するモノクローナル抗体を用い, IgGとF(ab')2分画のradioimmunoimagingにおける標識用抗体としての有用性を比較検討した. 正常マウスではF(ab')2の代謝はIgGに比べて著しく早く, IgGの血中半減期が5.5日であったのに対し, F(ab')2のそれは6.3時間であった. IgGおよびF(ab')2を131Iで標識し, AFP産生ヒト睾丸腫瘍移植ヌードマウスに投与して得られたシンチグラムではF(ab')2はバックグランドの放射能の消失が早いため, 早期に腫瘍が陽性像として認められ, 投与後2日目でIgGよりも明瞭な腫瘍イメージが得られた. 腫瘍/血液比も2日目でIgGの0.55に対し, F(ab')2では1.04と2倍近くの値が得られた. したがって腫瘍のradioimmunoimagingに用いる標識用抗体としてはIgGよりも代謝の早いF(ab')2分画の方が有利と考えられた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Monoclonal antibodies, F(ab')2 fragments, α-fetoprotein, Radioimmunoimaging |
English |
Title | Radioimmunoimaging Using F(ab')2 Fragment of Monoclonal Antibodies against Human a-Fetoprotein |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Harumi SAKAHARA*, Keigo ENDO*, Tetsuo NAKASHIMA*, Mitsuru KOIZUMI*, Hitoya OHTA*, Kanji TORIZUKA*, Ken-ichiro OKADA**, Osamu YOSHIDA**, Shinzo NISHI*** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Department of Nuclear Medicine, **Department of Urology, Kyoto University School of Medicine, ***Department of Biochemistry, Hokkaido University School of Medicine |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 22 |
Number | 3 |
Page | 377-382 |
Year/Month | 1985/3 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary] Using monoclonal antibodies against humanα-fetoprotein (AFP) , radioiodinated F(ab')2 fragments were compared with whole IgG as a radiotracer for radioimmunoimaging of cancer. F(ab')2 fragments were obtained by pepsin digestion of whole IgG(IgGl). IgG and F(ab')2 were labeled with 125I or 131I by the chloramines-T method with almost full retention of antibody activity. F(ab')2 fragments were cleared more rapidly from the circulation in normal mice with a half life of 6.3 hours than whole IgG with a half life of 5.5 days. Radioactivity of F(ab')2 in various organs also decreased faster than IgG. In nude mice transplanted with AFP-producing human testicular tumor, F(ab')2 fragments demonstrated superior scintigrams to whole IgG at 2 days after the injection, because of the fast disappearance of background radioactivity. Although absolute accumulation of 131I labeled F(ab')2 in the tumor was less than that of 131I labeled IgG, tumor to other organ ratios were much higher with F(ab')2 than those of IgG. The tumor to blood ratio of 131I labeled F(ab')2 was 1.04 at day 2, whereas tumor to blood ratio of 131I labeled IgG was 0.55 at day 2 and 0.92 at day 4, respectively. These results indicated that for the radiolabeling of monoclonal antibodies, F(ab')2 fragments would be superior to whole IgG in the radioimmunoimaging of cancer. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Monoclonal antibodies, F(ab')2 fragments, α-fetoprotein, Radioimmunoimaging |