Japanese |
Title | N-13アンモニアによる心筋ポジトロンCT (第3報) - 運動負荷スキャンによる虚血病変の評価 - |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 玉木長良*, 米倉義晴*, 千田道雄*, 児玉秋生*, 佐治英郎*, 棚田修二*, 村田喜代史*, 小西裕**, 伴敏彦**, 神原啓文***, 河合忠一***, 鳥塚莞爾* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *京都大学医学部放射線核医学科, **心臓血管外科, ***第三内科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 22 |
Number | 3 |
Page | 339-345 |
Year/Month | 1985/3 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」健常人3例を含む11例にN-13アンモニアポジトロンCT (PCT) を安静時, 運動負荷時に施行し, 心筋血流分布を定性的・定量的に評価した. 運動負荷は仰臥位エルゴメータによる多段階運動負荷とし, RI静注後30-60秒持続した. 健常人ではRIの心筋内分布は均等であったのに対し, 虚血性心疾患8例中RIの局所の低下を認めたのが, 安静時6例 (75%) , 運動負荷時7例 (88%) であった. 狭心症を伴う7例中6例で, 安静時にはみられない局所の低下が描出された. 定量的解析として, 心筋局所のRI濃度を全投与量に対する比で表わした. 健常人の心筋では安静時に104±14×10-4%dose/g, 運動負荷時に117±24×10-4%dose/gと軽度増加した (p<0.001) 一方冠動脈に有意な狭窄を認める心筋では安静時 (98±27×10-4%dose/g) から運動負荷時 (75±25×10-4%dose/g) に有意に低下を示した (p<0.001) . N-13アンモニア負荷心筋PCTによる心筋血流の解析は, 虚血性心疾患の評価に有用と考えられた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Positron tomography, N-13 ammonia, Exercise, Coronary artery disease |
English |
Title | N-13 Ammonia Myocardial Positron Computed Tomography - (3) Evaluation of Coronary Artery Disease by Stress Imaging - |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Nagara TAMAKI*, Yoshiharu YONEKURA*, Michio SENDA*, Shusei KODAMA*, Hideo SAJI*, Shuji TANADA*, Kiyoshi MURATA*, Yutaka KONISHI**, Toshihiko BAN**, Hirofumi KAMBARA***, Chuichi KAWAI***, Kanji TORIZUKA* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, **Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, ***Department of Internal Medicine, Kyoto University Medical School |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 22 |
Number | 3 |
Page | 339-345 |
Year/Month | 1985/3 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary] N-13ammonia myocardial positron computed tomography (PCT) was performed at rest and during exercise in 11 cases including 3 normal subjects. The exercise was done using supine bicycle ergometer with a graded work load and N-13 ammonia was injected 30-60 seconds before the termination of the exercise. In 3 normal cases, tracer distribution was homogeneous in the left ventricular myocardium at rest and during exercise. Of 8 cases with coronary artery disease, decreased tracer uptake in regional myocardium was observed in 6 cases (75%) in resting images and 7 cases (88%) in exercise images. Furthermore, exercise induced ischemia was delineated in 6 of the 7 cases with angina pectoris. For quantitative analysis, mean tracer activity in regional myocardium was assessed as percent dose of ammonia administration per gram tissue by locating 5 regions of interest in the left ventricular myocardium in each section. In normal myocardium, tracer activity was 104+-14×10-4%dose/g at rest and it was slightly increased during exercise (117+-24×10-4%dose/g) (P<0.001) . In stenosed myocardium, tracer activity was 98+-27×10-4%dose/g at rest and it was significantly decreased during exercise (75+-25×10-4%dose/g) (p<0.001) . We conclude that quantitative and quantitative analysis of myocardial perfusion by N-13 ammonia PCT at rest and during exercise is a valuable technique for evaluation of coronary artery disease. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Positron tomography, N-13 ammonia, Exercise, Coronary artery disease |