Japanese |
Title | R波前後方向同期心プールイメージングによる虚血性心疾患の検討 - 左室機能および左室局所機能の解析 - |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 玉木長良*, 児玉秋生*, 米倉義晴*, 千田道雄*, 藤田透*, 鳥塚莞爾*, 野原隆司**, 鈴木幸園**, 神原啓文**, 河合忠一**, 大家康秀***, 中村隆*** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *京都大学医学部放射線核医学科, **第三内科, ***日立メディコ |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 22 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 147-155 |
Year/Month | 1985/2 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」R波前後方向同期心プールイメージングを42例に施行し, 左室および局所心容量曲線から種々の指標を算出した. 虚血性心疾患 (CAD) の検出能は最大充満速度 (PFR) (71%) および充満率 (FF) (65%) が高く, 左室拡張機能の障害が高率に認められた. 心房収縮能 (AC/SV, PFR-AC) はCADで高い傾向にあったが, 心機能の低下した群ではむしろ低値を示し, 左室機能障害の程度により左房収縮の代償機能に差が認められた. 局所容量曲線は左室を8分割しフーリエ3次近似を行った. 局所駆出率 (rEF) は22例 (65%) に異常を認めたが, rPFR (68%) やrPFRに至るまでの時間 (rTPF) (65%) も高率に異常を示した. とりわけrEFで正常であった9例でもrPFR, rTPFなどに異常がみられ, 曲線全体の近似が有用と考えられた. 本法はリストモード計測のため容量曲線を正確に解析でき, 左室収縮充満や左房収縮の評価が可能である. また局所容量曲線解析によるasynergyやasynchronyの評価もでき, CADの詳細な検討に有用と考えられた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Gated blood pool imaging, 99m Tc-red blood cells, Coronary artery disease, Diastolic index |
English |
Title | Analysis of Left Ventricular Global and Regional Functions in Coronary Artery Disease by Multigated Forward and Backward Data Collection |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Nagara TAMAKI*, Shusei KODAMA*, Yoshiharu YONEKURA*, Michio SENDA*, Toru FUJITA*, Kanji TORIZUKA*, Ryuji NOHARA**, Yukisono SUZUKI*, Hirofumi KAMBARA**, Chuichi KAWAI**, Yasuhide OOIE***, Takashi NAKAMURA*** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, **Department of Internal Medicine, Kyoto University Medical School, ***Hitachi Medico |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 22 |
Number | 2 |
Page | 147-155 |
Year/Month | 1985/2 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary] To analyze left ventricular global and regional volume curves, multigated forward and backward data collection was performed in 42 cases, including 8 normals and 34 cases with coronary artery disease (CAD) . The data was acquired in a list mode with R wave time marker and multigated images were reformatted forward and backward from the time marker. The systolic indices : EF (ejection fraction) and PER (peak ejection rate) , and the early distolic indices : PFR (peak filling rate) and FF (filling fraction) were calculated from the forward formatting left ventricular volume curves. The late diastolic indices : AC/SV (atrial contraction ) and PFR-AC (peak filling rate during atrial contraction) were obtained from the backward left ventricular volume curve. EF and PER were lower in 18cases (53%) with CAD, whereas PFR and FF showed abnormal in 24 cases (71%) and 22 cases (65%) , respectively, suggesting that early diastolic indices were more often impaired in CAD. AC/SV and PFR-AC were significantly higher in CAD-1 (EF>=60%) and CAD-2 (40%<=EF<60%) , but they were rather low in CAD-3 (EF<40%) , indicating differ rent compensatory mechanism of atrial contraction for impaired diastolic filling. Regional volume curves were created by dividing the left ventricle into 8 sectors with equi-angular spacing, and each curve was fitted by the 3rd order harmonics of Fourier series. Regional ejection fraction (rEF) , regional peak ejection rate (rPER) and regional peak filling rate (rPFR) lower than the lower limit (mean-2 SD ) of the normal values were considered abnormal (asynergy) . Regional time to end systole (rTES) , regional time to PER (rTPE) and regional time to PFR (rTPF) more than 90 msec longer or shorter than the global values were considered abnormal (asynchrony) . Regional diastolic abnormality was often seen in CAD (rPFR : 23 cases (68%) and rTPF : 22 cases (65%) ) . Furthermore, 9 cases with CAD with normal rEF showed abnormal value in rPFR or rTPF. In conclusion, multigated forward and backward data collection provides global as well as regional systolic and diastolic indices accurately, which permits precise evaluation of CAD. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Gated blood pool imaging, 99m Tc-red blood cells, Coronary artery disease, Diastolic index |