Japanese |
Title | 肝硬変例における呼吸同期肝イメージングおよびフーリエ解析による肝運動性評価の試み |
Subtitle | 研究速報 |
Authors | 瀬戸幹人*, 中嶋憲一*, 分校久志*, 油野民雄*, 高山輝彦*, 利波紀久*, 久田欣一*, 小島一彦**, 山田正人***, 飯田泰治***, 河村昌明*** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *金沢大学医学部核医学教室, **金沢大学医療技術短期大学部, ***金沢大学病院アイソトープ部 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 21 |
Number | 7 |
Page | 867-870 |
Year/Month | 1984/7 |
Article | 報告 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「I. はじめに」超音波領域においては, び慢性肝疾患の新しい評価法として肝左葉の形態について, 最大吸気位と安静呼気位の2点における形態の変化に関する報告はすでにみられる. すなわち朝井らの報告によると, 肝左葉矢状断像において長径A, 深さB, 下方辺縁角度θとして, 最大呼気位および安静呼気位にてそれぞれ計測すると, 結果は(1)吸気・呼気においてBおよびθは変化なく, Aは深吸気にて増加する. (2)肝硬変例の吸気位のBおよびθは正常に比して高値であるが, Aは有意差を認めない. (3)長径比A/Bの吸呼気での変化率(Ai/Bi)÷(Ae/Be)は加齢や肝硬変例で低下する. 以上をふまえて呼吸による肝左葉形態の変化は, 横隔膜運動に対する肝のコンプライアンスに依存すると考えており, 肝全体の呼吸移動は真上下でなく, 右上から左下への下垂変形と想像されている. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Respiratory gated liver imaging, Fourier analysis, Liver cirrhosis. |
English |
Title | Experiment of Respiratory Gated Liver Imaging with Fourier Analysis in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis |
Subtitle | Rapid Communication |
Authors | Mikito SETO*, Kenichi NAKAJIMA*, Hisashi BUNKO*, Tamio ABURANO*, Teruhiko TAKAYAMA*, Norihisa TONAMI*, Kinichi HISADA*, Kazuhiko KOJIMA**, Masato YAMADA***, Yasuharu IIDA***, Masaaki KAWAMURA*** |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *Department of Nuclear Medicine, School of Medicine, Kanazawa University, **Department of Junior College for Medical Technology, Kanazawa University, ***Central Radioisotope Service, Kanazawa University Hospital |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 21 |
Number | 7 |
Page | 867-870 |
Year/Month | 1984/7 |
Article | Report |
Abstract | [Summary]Respiratory gated liver imagings were acquired by multigate mode. At the beginning of expiration, triggered by the signals from the thermo sensor on the patient's nose, data acquisition was performed. The patients were ordered to keep regular deep breathing (12 cycles/min) for 120 seconds. Serial images of about 200 msec interval were made from 24 respiratory cycles data acquisition. Cinemode display of respiratory gated images enable us to evaluate the respiratory movements of the liver. Phase and amplitude images by temporal Fourier transform were made and could be the indication of the liver compliance according to the movements of the diaphragm. We supposed that respiratory movement of the liver might be restricted in patients with liver cirrhosis. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Respiratory gated liver imaging, Fourier analysis, Liver cirrhosis. |