Japanese |
Title | II音同期平衡時法より求めた左室拡張期指標による虚血性心疾患の評価 |
Subtitle | 原著 |
Authors | 白石友邦*, 小林昭智*, 長谷川武夫*, 西山豊*, 中沢緑*, 田中敬正* |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | *関西医科大学放射線科 |
Journal | 核医学 |
Volume | 21 |
Number | 6 |
Page | 661-669 |
Year/Month | 1984/6 |
Article | 原著 |
Publisher | 日本核医学会 |
Abstract | 「要旨」健常群(5例)および安静時LVEFが50%以上の軽症虚血性心疾患(21例)を対象として, II音同期平衡時法を行い, 4つの左室拡張期指標を求め, それにより左心予備能を評価した. 拡張早期指標として, 拡張期容積曲線とSin曲線の差を利用し, 拡張早期の最大偏位幅をPeak, 拡張開始点からPeak点までをPeak Time, 1/2拡張期の両曲線の位相差をShiftとした. また, 拡張早期末期面積比をR-ratio[R/(R+A)ratio]とし, 左心房収縮期の指標とした. 疾患群を運動負荷LVEF上昇群と低下群に2分すると, 健常, 上昇群間に, 収縮拡張能に差がなく, 同一左心機能と考えられた. 低下群は, 健常群, 上昇群と比較して, 拡張早期流入障害を示し, また, 同群は左心房収縮能が, 代償的に大きい傾向を示した. 以上より, これらの新しい拡張期指標は, 運動負荷収縮期機能値と同様に軽症虚血性心疾患のわずかな左心予備能低下を判定できた. |
Practice | 臨床医学:一般 |
Keywords | Left ventricular diastoric phase index, S2-gated equilibrium scintigraphy, Coronary artery disease. |
English |
Title | The Evaluation of Mild Coronary Artery Disease through the Analysis of Left Ventricular Diastolic Phase Indicies Obtained from S2-Gated Equilibrium Scintigraphy |
Subtitle | Original Articles |
Authors | Tomokuni SHIRAISHI, Akitoshi KOBAYASHI, Takeo HASEGAWA, Yutaka NISHIYAMA, Midori NAKAZAWA, Yoshimasa TANAKA |
Authors(kana) | |
Organization | Department of Radiology, Kansai Medical University |
Journal | The Japanese Journal of nuclear medicine |
Volume | 21 |
Number | 6 |
Page | 661-669 |
Year/Month | 1984/6 |
Article | Original article |
Abstract | [Summary]S2-gated equilibrium scintigraphs were made for a control group (5 subjects) and a patient group (21 subjects) with mild coronary artery disease and LVEF greater than 50% at rest. Four LV diastolic phase indices (PEAK, PEAK TIME, SHIFT, and R-RATIO) were derived from the scintigraphs as follows. The deviation of the disastolic phase volume curve from the SIN curve was used as an early diastolic phase index. The PEAK measures the maximum deviation; the PEAK TIME measures the time from the start of diastole to the PEAK; the SHIFT measures the phase deviation between the two curves at the mid-point of diastole. As an index of left atrial systolic function, the ratio of the deviation area of the early diastolic phase (R) to the deviation area of the early plus the late diastolic phases (R+A) was derived and referred to as the R-RATIO [(R/(R+A)]. The cardiac reserve was then evaluated from these four indicies. The patient group was further divided into an LVEF increase group and an LVEF decrease group according to the results of an exercise test. No difference was found in the systolic and diastolic functions between the control group and the increase group leading us to consider that their LV functions are identical. The decrease group, when compared to the control and increase groups, was bund to have a rapid filling phase dysfunction which was compensated by the left atrial systolic function. From the use of these new diastolic phase indices in the above analysis, a slight decrease in the cardiac reserve of patients with mild coronary artery disease was observed for the systolic function during exercise. |
Practice | Clinical medicine |
Keywords | Left ventricular diastoric phase index, S2-gated equilibrium scintigraphy, Coronary artery disease. |